chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Who are you?'' Asked Kit.
"My name is Rose, I'm a new sister here at the asylum, I don't think you've seen me" Said sister Rose.
"And what are you doing here right now ?"
"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but I can't answer them now we don't have time. Come help in the kitchen tomorrow morning I'll explain it all."
Sister Rose was gonna pass the door when kit asked.
"Wait, what is your name again ?"
"I'm sister Rose"
When she was done talking she closed the door behind her and walked in the hallway with a big smile of success.

The next morning, as every other morning, Sister Rose was in the kitchen preparing bread. But this time she had something else to do. Sister Rose saw Kit arriving in the kitchen, but there were too many people for them to talk so they both waited until the time of work for everyone to end.
"Alright times up" Said sister Rose
"Guardian can you take them please" Continued sister Rose.
"Yes sure" Replied the guardian.
He was gonna take Kit with him until he heard sister Rose.
"Oh, not this one, he didn't work well, I'm gonna keep him a little longer."
When everyone was out sister Rose started with.
"First we are gonna prepare some bread mixture."
"Alright, but I need my explanation" Said Kit impatiently.
"I'm here to help you get out of this place, you don't deserve to be here." Replied fast sister Rose.
"And why would I trust you ?"
Sister Rose wasn't sure what to reply at first but then continued.
"The aliens you're talking about... I saw them too."
"They took Alma, my wife."
"I know, I read all your stories and your fill. And I know it can be difficult to have lost someone you loved."
A silent went in the room before sister Rose broke it.
"My brother, he had pancreatic cancer, he was gonna die, I was there on a chair in his hospital room. That's when they came, those things. There was a light so bright I couldn't see. And this... Sound that broke my ear. It felt like... Like..."
"Like nothing" Concluded Kit.
"Like nothing... Before those aliens took my brother he told me: do not tell anyone about this or they will think you're crazy. And disappear before the light and the sound disappear."
"But Alma wasn't gonna die..."
"Maybe she didn't tell you, I don't quite know how to explain that, but I can assure you that I will help you, you don't deserve to be in here. !"
"And how, they think I'm a killer, they think I'm bloody face !"
"I know all that Kit, but I'm gonna found a way to help you."
They both continued to cook when sister Mary Eunice arrived.
"What are you doing here" Talking to Kit.
"Oh he didn't work well this morning so my punishment was for him to continue a little bit with me." Said sister Rose.
"Sister... You made me think of me when I was younger. This isn't a punishment. Come here Kit"
Sister Mary Eunice took Kit's arm and started bringing him outside of the kitchen before sister Rose intervened.
"Sister, don't you think I can handle that?"
"If you want !" Said sister Mary Eunice pushing Kit back to his place.

Later that day.
Sister Rose punch over Dr. Thredson.
"Oh sorry... Hum who are you" Said sister Rose.
"I'm Dr. Thredson, I'm seeing Kit Walker, I suppose you know him." Reply Oliver.
"Oh yeah, Bloody face." Express sister Rose sarcastically.
"What's wrong? Do you think he is not Bloody face ?" Questioned Oliver.
"I hum, I don't know... What do you think ?
"I don't think he is Bloody face."
"In this case who do you think it could be ?" Now questioned sister Rose.
"It could be anyone... Would you mind for a drink sometime ?"
"Yes sure why not !" Exclaim sister Rose.
Sister Rose didn't really know how to explain this little talking and wasn't sure to trust or not Dr. Thredson.

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