03. Haptics

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Brooke, Ashley, and I were sitting at a table at Pat's. Ashley was trying to write something for work while Brooke was on her phone and I was gagging at Tad and Bella. Apparently, Stick had had enough of it too because he got up to join us.

"Ugh," Ashley exclaimed, "I've got a deadline in three days and I can't concentrate. Why am I so distracted?"

"I don't know," I said sarcastically, "Maybe it's because you like Tad and... well look at them," we all turned to look at the couple that was all over each other, "They're grooming each other like chimps."

"I liked him for a nanosecond," my sister defended, "I say, good for them. Good for them." The last part came out strained and she looked back down at her keyboard.

"Convincing," Stick commented and I rolled my eyes at the sarcasm that laced his voice.

"Hey, Ash, 'Thena, how you doing?" our uncle asked, coming up to the table. I gasped. "What?"

"Y- You actually asked about me," I stuttered out playfully as he sent a glare my way.

"Great," my sister told him, "Whoo!" She then looked over to the obnoxious couple that is Bad (Like my ship name?) "Yippee-kai-yay, Uncle Victor."

Uncle Victor raised his eyebrows suspiciously. "You sure everything's all right?" Ashley took one more glance at Tad and Bella before confirming. "Okay," he said before walking over to Nico.

Ashley finally snapped after watching Bella feed Tad. I mean literally. She snapped her pencil in half. We all turned to her before Brooke said, "Okay, Lady Hulk, you jealous."

Ashley acted offended, "Jealous of Bella? Her one accomplishment in life is making sure her bra strap is always showing." She gasped, "Did I just criticize another woman for how they dress? What is happening to me? I'm a bad feminist."

"No, you're just telling the truth," I told her.

"You are not a bad feminist," Brooke reassured her, glancing at me, "You're just dealing with your first crush."

"Yeah, crushes are hard," Stick said, staring straight at Ashley. And that was when realization hit me. Stick likes Ashley. "I've heard."

"This crush is turning me into a mean girl," Ashley freaked, "I can't concentrate on work. I have a deadline. I'm shouting for some reason! Help me guys."

"We got you," I told her, "Brooke just posted an eight-step program for how to get over a crush."

Brooke nodded, "At the end of this, you'll not only be over Tad, you'll be friends with him."

"You are so the Alan Turing of teen problems," Ashley told her and I made a confused face.

"Thank you. I'll google that later," Brooke thanked, "Step one, feel the pain."

"Oh good," Ashley breathed, "I'm doing that already. It's right here." She rubbed her stomach and let out an, "Ooh, it's terrible."

"If you're a good student, you'll only feel this pain for eight more days."

"Eight more days?" my sister exclaimed at Brooke's words. "I've got a work deadline in three. Let's get started." We all stood up. "Preferably somewhere we don't have to watch Bella eat Tad's arm like a corn on the cob."

We walked off and as we reached the door, I turned around and said, "I'm a better dancer than her too."


At first, Uncle Victor's karaoke idea seemed awesome. That was until Tad and Bella showed up and invited themselves to join. And Ashley agreed. Brooke then freaked out about her process and how the steps have to be done in order. It was kinda hot. And if we're being honest. Her dancing and singing like an idiot with Ashley was too. Tad wasn't watching though, which was the whole point of doing this and Ashley left. So I decided to do something about it.

He's a cold-hearted snake
Look into his eyes
Oh oh oh
He's been tellin' lies
He's a lover boy at play
He don't play by rules
Oh oh oh
Girl don't play the fool now
You're the one givin' up the love
Anytime he needs it
But you turn your back and then he's off and runnin' with the crowd
You're the one to sacrifice
Anything to please him
Do you really think he thinks about you when he's out
He's a cold-hearted snake
Look into his eyes
Oh oh oh
He's been tellin' lies
He's a lover boy at play
He don't play by rules
Oh oh oh
Girl don't play the fool now
It was only late last night
He was out there sneakin'
Then he called you up to check that you were waiting by the phone
All the world's a candy store
He's been trick or treatin'
When it comes to true love girl with him there's no one home
He's a cold-hearted snake
Look into his eyes
Oh oh oh
He's been tellin' lies
He's a lover boy at play
He don't play by rules

Oh oh oh
Girl don't play the fool now
You could find somebody better girl
He can only make you cry
You deserve somebody better girl
He's c-cold as ice
As cold as ice
He's cold as ice
He's cold as ice
Stay away from him girl
C-c-c-cold hearted uh, ah, ah
C-c-c-cold hearted sssnake
C-c-c-cold hearted uh, ah, ah
C-c-c-cold hearted sssnake
He's a cold-hearted snake
Look into his eyes
Oh oh oh
He's been tellin' lies
He's a lover boy at play
He don't play by rules
Oh oh oh
Girl don't play the fool now
Look into his eyes
Oh oh oh
He's been tellin' lies
Oh oh oh
He don't play by rules

Oh oh oh
Girl don't play the fool now
Cold-hearted snake
Look into his eyes
Oh oh oh
He's a cold-hearted snake

I danced around as I sang and by the end of it, everyone was staring at men awe. Not to brag, but I'm awesome. I flipped my hair before saying, "And that's how it's done," and I walked out of the room.


After Bella and Tad left, and Victor and Ashley went to bed, Brooke was grabbing her things.

I called after her, "Wait!"

"What?" she turned around, looking at me.

"We never got to do a song together," I said, my face burning up.

"You're right," she realized, "Go grab your guitar."

I did what she said and she told me a song to play so I started to pluck the strings.

Bold= Brooke

Italics= Athena

Both= Both

Here comes the sun doo doo doo doo

Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right
Little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it's been here

Here comes the sun doo doo doo doo
Here comes the sun,

and I say

It's all right little darling, the smiles returning to the faces
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been here
Here comes the sun doo doo doo doo
Here comes the sun,
and I say
It's all right yeah, yeah, yeah
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes
Sun, sun, sun, here it comes little
darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun doo doo doo doo

Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right here comes the sun doo doo doo doo
Here comes the sun, and I say
It's all right
It's all right
, sun, sun, here it comes

She kissed me on the cheek and walked out the door.


Okay, I know It's been a while and I was a little lazy with this chapter, but I hope you like it and have a good day.

March 4, 2021

1198 Words

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