01. Breath Mint

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My name is Athena Garcia. My sister is a genius. I am the disappointment of the twins. I like music and cheerleading. I take off after my Uncle Victor. My sister Ashley is coming on Monday to come live with us, so she can work at her fancy job. I can't wait. The trio of me, Ashley, and our best friend Brooke will finally be reunited.

Right now I am having a sleepover with Brooke because my Uncle Victor is having a guest over and we all know what that means. I have had a crush on Brooke since the moment I met her, but I am really good at hiding these feelings. Anyway, I was telling her about something that happened at cheerleading practice yesterday.

"Wait, she actually said that?" Brooke asked and I nodded my head as we both burst out laughing.

I practically live at Brooke's house. Her parents love me and my uncle has someone over almost every night. I don't even have a room, I sleep in this loft sort of thing in the weight room. I should probably remind him to clear that out so that Ashley can stay there.


The next day, I changed into my uniform and decided to stop by the house to grab some school supplies. When I got there, I saw the football team facing the wall. When I looked to see what they were not looking at, I saw someone pulling a robe over some fluffy, pink pajamas. When I looked closer, I realized it was Ashley!

"Ashley!" I yelled just as my uncle told everyone to turn back around.

"Hey, Athena!" She squealed as I pulled her into a hug.

"I thought you were coming Monday," I said before realizing, "He got the date wrong didn't he?" She nodded and Victor introduced all of the boys to Ashley.

"Let's start over, shall we?" Stick asked flirtatiously. (I totally spelled that wrong) "Stick Goldstein, equipment manager" Somebody's got a crush. My uncle warned them not to try anything with me, but clearly, he hasn't said anything about Ashley.

"I'm Tad," the quarterback said and I swear I could hear the harp music then and there as Ashley stared into Tad's eyes. I finally realized that the harp music was coming from Ashley's phone.

"Oh, God. Oh, god. My mom's FaceTiming me," Ashley told us while freaking out. My eyes widened. I may not have lived with my mother very long, but I still know how strict she is.

"Move it. No one in front of her phone," Victor said and he and Ashley sat on the couch to greet my mom. I decided to stay out because... you know. As they talked I slowly tried to make my way out of the back door. As I got out the door, I heard my mom ask where I was and my uncle and sister both say at the same time.

"She's not here," from Ashley and a "She's at school" from Victor. Even they know how much my mother hates me.


It totally slipped my mind that Ashley was back, so I forgot to tell Brooke. After school, we were at Pat's and we were gossiping when Brooke looked up and said, "Ashley?"

"Brooke!" my sister said. They both squealed and Brooke looked back at me.

"Did you know about this?" I shrugged my shoulders and she turned back to Ashley, "I can't believe it's you!"

"Live long and prosper," Ashley said. That was their little thing. Ashley was always closer to Brooke than I was. Probably because I was to shy to talk to her, but once my sister left, we grew closer and now we're joined at the hip.

"It's you all right," Brooke said. We all sat down at the table next to us. "I'm so glad you texted." Oh, that reminds me. I dropped my phone in the pool one time and I couldn't get Ashley's number again. So, I couldn't exactly keep in touch.

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