“Casper no.” Alex and Emilia pulled apart to see the puppy attacking the Christmas tree yet again.

“Casper no.” Alex yelled as the puppy let go of the tree branch looking at Alex with big wide blue eyes. They all laughed as Casper got onto in belly and start crawling towards Alex whining for getting in trouble.

“You are a naughty puppy aren’t you?” Alex scratched behind the dog’s ear as his tail wagged.

“Well Aiden let’s get all this mess cleaned up them we need to get ready.” Emilia said clapping her hands together knowing if they didn’t start to get ready then they were going too late and Sofia would have their backsides.

Everyone cleaned up all the wrapping paper and Alex gathered all of Aiden’s presents into a neat pile knowing the little boy was going to be spoilt at his mother place today.

Sofia was surprised when the door bell rang and Alex, Emilia and Aiden were the first to arrive with handfuls of presents.

“Sofia is that Robert and Crystal.” Fabian called out knowing his daughter like always would be the first here.

“No hunny it is Alex and Emilia.” Fabian poked his head out shocked that his youngest was on time for probably the first time in his life.

“Oh Alex, Feliz Navidad.” His father said giving his son a hug and Emilia a kiss on each cheek.

“Merry Christmas as well.” Emilia said knowing that was most likely the only word she knew in Spanish.

“Well come in and get helping.” Alex kissed his mother on the way in and let Aiden and Casper run off to play outside.

“Alex did you really have to bring the dog.” Sofia scrolled as she watched the huge dog run around the backyard sniffing everything.

“Talk to your grandson about that.” Alex said. He didn’t want to bring the dog, but with Aiden and the dog both crying he had no choice. Emilia and Alex put the presents under the tree and went into the kitchen to help Sofia as Fabian handed beers around to both of them. 

It wasn’t long until the rest of the Costa family turned up and soon the place was filled with talking, laughter and a lot of noise.

When Emilia’s family turned up they were surprised by the amount of noise coming from the house as they rang the doorbell carrying a few presents and some salad. Alex was the only one that heard the door over the noise and opened it with his niece and nephew hanging of each leg and another attached to his back.

“Hey everyone. Come in.” Alex let them in and smiled when he saw Maria’s family pulling up to the house. Even with all the children attached to him he waited until they all came to the door.

“Hey Jeremy. Suzie, Logan.” Alex shook there hands with his free hand before the kids on him started yelling at him. Suzie smiled at Alex as they walked in before Alex let out a startling roar causing all the children to jump off him and run away.

Perfectly Flawed (re-writing)Where stories live. Discover now