"I don't like the vibe that hisokas emmiting right now, let's just move to the front." He brought himself to be louder this time so both of you could hear. Looking back at the hisoka guy, you stared at the creepy smile that adorned his face, the men sorrounding him were up to something, killua wanted nothing to do with it.

"KURAPIKA M, LEORIO, KILLUA SAYS WE SHOUDL MIVE TO THE FRONT!" Gon yelled out, before killua could try and quiet him, the two who were a ways back from you told him that they couldn't, and so it was decided that they would be fine without you guys, so you along with your best friends sped up.

"be safe guys!" You yelled out, before following the already ahead boys, bit at all noticing the pink haired mess that was hisoka juts... staring at you... creepy, I know.

"... what?" You spoke yourself, it had only been a few seconds of going faster and you threw had already strayed far off the path, if there was one anyway. Killuas face held the look of panic as he realized that not even he knew where you guys were. It only took 3 seconds... 3 SECONDS!

"I... how did we.... oh no."

"Don't give up just yet killua! Well be fine, I can smell leorio from he-" gon started to speak, you nodded along with him, until you tripped over a long vine or rope of some sort, and a humongous frog jumped out, swallowing the three of you whole. You let out a small
Scream and latched onto gons arm, koala bearing it all the way.

———————-your POV———————————-

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god, I'm in a frog right now, you heard me right, I'm. In. A. Frog. It smells so bad in here, like really bad, and the huge frog thing just closed it's mouth, so we have absolutely no way of getting out of it. Gons okay, cause he's still breathing, and killuas fine, he trying to claw out of it. I just hope my plants are okay, I worked really hard on those, they are like my children.

Before we knew if, the frog-nasty- thing spit us out, sorry to other giant frogs, no discrimination, but that was disgusting. I unlatched myself from gon, kindof suprised that he was even able to hold me up, and reached down into my bag, hoping to for that at least one of them survived that tragedy....

They all did, woo hoo!

"I guess he didn't like the taste of us then... y/n are you okay?" Gon spoke, I hadn't noticed up until now, probably because there is frog vomit alll over my legs, but my nose is bleeding, how? I don't know, I'm just glad that I thought to take a bag filled with stuff we might need

"Yeah, I'm alright, you guys?" I asked both of them back, noting the small scratch on gons forehead, I'll give him a bandaid later, it's not that bad. Killua said something along the lines of "juice" I wasn't listening, but I heard some of it, I was too busy wiping the dribble of blood that just wouldn't stop bleeding, killua stopped me from struggling with the handkerchief , and jsut held it there for me, his head turned to the right, and he started speaking.

"Look, I see the examiner, we could probably catch up from here." Killua said, pointing at the small flash of purple hair tat went away after a few moments, we all got up to follow, when many screams echoed throughout the forest, then a creepy male giggle.

Gon tensed, and turned towards the noise, while illusions grabbed onto his shirt to keep him from speeding away. I wonder who that could be, it's not like there an intensely creepy clown guy who just killed a monkey thing in front of us..

"Gon, maybe we shouldn't go over there, I don't think whatever just happened is all that nice" I spoke, tugging at his sleeve to get my point across the best that I could. He had this really determined look in his eyes though, I don't think any level of convincing is gonna get him out of doing whatever nice things he's gonna do.

Don't get me wrong, usually I would do something like gon, and try and go save them,  but I don't hear any more screams, so everyone who was the victim is probably gone by now. It's very very sad, but I can't do anything to stop death.

"Wait, hold on-" killua started up, as gon just kinda whooshed away, I like the word woodshed, it's fun. Anyway, gon was no where near us anymore, instead tuning towards the noise of the bubbling laughter. Killua huffed next to me, and wiped my nosebleed one last time, before interlocking his fingers in mine, and running towards satotz.

"Why are we leaving him? Is he gonna be okay? Killua maybe we should wai-" I started dragging my feet, trying to slow him down from leaving our new friend behind. Yeah, he shouldn't run off like that or he could get hurt, I don't have enough bandaids for that, but he's still our friend! What friend l aves another behind?

"Yeah, he'll be fine. You two are actually quite alike, I don't want you running after him because you think he'll get hurt. He'll be a-okay, I swear sis.

Been a while hasn't it?

Sorry that this is so late, I've been kindof pushing this book off and focusing on others so I could finish them, sorry about that! But I'm back now!

Can someone please tell me how this chapter was, outside of grammar and spelling, was it okay? I want to improve on my writing so I can make it more appealing.

Anywho, have the bestest of beta days ever! Byyyeeeee!


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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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