I walked to the kitchen and pulled the meds out of the top cabinet. I hated pills so much, I always feel like one pill will go down the wrong pipe and clog a lung or something. Throwing my head back and swallowing the pills, I nearly gaged but I kept it down.

Taking my ass out of the kitchen and wandering up the stairs having to use the railing as support, I got to my room and my phone was vibrating so much... I ain't realize I'd have so many messages. I'll just read 'em later, for now I'm just gonna take my nap and deal with people when I wake up.

~Nelle Bells P.O.V.~

I had just fed LJ and was now just holding him since he was in such a cuddly mood. I was patting his back softly, his thumb in his mouth made him look all the more adorable as his eyes looked up at me.

"So once you get things all situated, you're coming back?" I asked Lexis as I watched him packing his suitcases. I kinda wish I could go too just to see what Houston and Detroit are like but we have Ivanna and LJ.

"Yup, then I'm taking off to South Cali for a week with Trey. Hopefully once all of this is done, it's back to the old regime." A smile on his face. "Do you know where my real good tux is? I need it for today."

"Your tux? Why? Especially the good one?"

"I need it for like a couple hours, where is it at?"

"It's on my side of the closet, behind the wedding dress. Can you please just tell me why you need it?" He let out a small chuckle as he walked to our closet and began digging around. "Lexis-"

"Nelle Bells, I'll tell you soon." He insisted and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Those eyes though."

"You made them roll, don't even start." I snapped back at him with some irritation in my voice. "You're always up to something. You wonder where Trey and Ty get it from? Now you know- speaking of. Where are you going?" I asked as Ty ran by our room. "Tyreese!" I yelled, standing right outside my door.

"What Mom?" He groaned out as he was fixing his bandana around his neck.

"Where are you going?"

"Volleyball match at the beach, I'm not about to miss a bunch of females-"

"You ain't shit Ty." Arlie said with a laugh as he came upstairs carrying a giggling Ivanna.

"I'm The Shit. So I'ma just dip, I'll be back later." He jogged down the stairs and was out of the house within that split second.

"Hi Arlie." I said smiling at him. "You caught her?"

"She caught me. I didn't even see her on the lawn, she scared me when she screamed." His eyes on Ivanna who shied away into the crook of his neck. "I miss when Nicole was like that. Then she grew up and became a pain in my ass but is Lexis ready? We still gotta get Varo."

"Yeah I'm done. I got the table in the back of the Ridgeline." Lexis said as he came out all dressed down in his suit. "Nelle we'll be home in a little while, we got some things to handle."

"Well then since you're leaving, I'm heading out with the kids too." He reached down and gave me a kiss.

"Aight just be careful." I nodded my head and grabbed a hold of Ivanna's arm so she wouldn't follow Arlie or Lexis as they went down the stairs.

"Let's get you dressed Ivanna. We're going to go see Trey." I said to her as we walked to her room.

It's nice that things aren't as hectic anymore. No more of that looking over the shoulder feeling every time I go out, especially with the kids. Though our lives will never be the ideal normal life, we're about as close to normal as our family can be and that's all I've been asking for.

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