The Test

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"Hello Thomas" Y/n smiled sitting at her dining table in a pastel blue retro dress, her hair done and a perfect face of make up, Thomas sat beside her in his blue suit pants and light blue button down 

"Hello y/n" He smiled 

"Do you know what we are doing today?"

"...All I know is I was not so politely told to fuck off for the last hour while you set this shit up and now I am going to do? something?"

"did you fuck off?"

"I did, I went to Sainsburys."

"did you have fun in Sainsbury's?"

"I did, I got us the Not KFC for dinner"

"Wooow... this is a good day" she smiled "What else did you buy?"

"I got a new T shirt"

"Did you?"

"I did, It has a motorbike on it and it says speed racer on it"

"You are such a child"

"I am" He sighs "They had a shirt in the kids with a sloth riding a dinosaur"

"shit. i want that"

"Yeah I did too but they just didn't do it big enough for me"

"Only just?"

"Only just, it was big enough but like an inch of two, too short so I couldn't have it"

"Awww, are you sad about that Thomas?"

"A little bit yes"

"Right! on to the thing we are doing today. I have a test for you"

"A test?"

"Yes a test"

"What is The Test then?"

"Here on this table" she smiled "I shall be putting four make up bags,"


"You have to determine who's make up bag they are."


"You get five points for everyone you get right" 

"This is not going to be as easy as I think is it?"

"No it's not. I have taken out the foundations because I think that's cheating"

"Yeah, I think that's fair, so everything else is still in there?"


"so eye shadows? lipsticks, eyebrow things, and so on"


"Okay, this doesn't seem to hard" he shrugs

Y/n then stood behind the camera Thomas at the table with four identical black make up bags 

"I'm not gonna lie, I was kinda hoping the bags would be a give away... and now I don't have that"

"That was your plan wasn't it?"

"Yes. Becuase... I know what your make up bag looks like, but this is unfair I thought I would have more to go on then this"

"There is something in each at least one item in each that is a massive give away"

"Okay... One thing in each? at least? that should give it away?"

"Yes" she smiled "One bag is mine, One bag is Mila's, One bag Is a red hearing, and one bag is Abby's"

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