26 | 𝐔𝐧𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐍𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫

Start from the beginning

"Do you think it's somebody we know?" Kyle asked nobody in particular. He was talking about the spy, if there even was one.

I shrugged. "Could be someone we know that has something against us and wants revenge as well, or just a stranger who doesn't know anything about us, only that he or she must make our lives miserable," I answered carelessly. We weren't gonna get anywhere like this. 

My phone lit up a few times, though  no sound came - I silenced my phone most of the time. In the beginning I ignored it, probably just a message from some stupid jock at school again. After a minute or two, the screen went on once more. 

Kyle and Anderson looked at me with an expecting expression on their faces, I didn't move. We talked about who it could be, but no avail, of course, and we tried figuring out a plan to trap the spy. We finally got an idea, it wasn't the best, but better than nothing. 

As Kyle played a video game, Anderson was calling his girlfriend - wait, her name... I keep forgetting -  and I, well I was downing the whole beer can and checked my knuckles again. They were bloodied, though it was already dry and not that much, and maybe a little bruised - nothing I wasn't familiar with anyway. 

That's when, after 5 minutes, my phone screen opened itself again. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I muttered under my breath, only enough for me to hear. I grasped it tightly in my hand and glared at the message that popped up, but when I saw who it was from, my eyebrows furrowed. Four texts from 'Sophia'.

I put on the notification sound in settings for if she ever tried texting me again. God, what is she doing to me?

I opened them and quickly read them all, I didn't notice my strong grip on the phone was probably going to break it in pieces if I didn't let go soon. Fuck, was the only thing I could say in my mind. 

Sophia: Hey Grayson, its Sophia. I'm sorry to bother you if youre busy but I just wanted to ask you a quick question :)

The second text was sent only a minute later.

Sophia: Its okay if you dont want me to ask you anything, I understand.

The third one was right after the second.

Sophia: or if youre busy, i'll ask another time!

And the last one was the message that made me almost split my phone in two. It was sent just now.

Sophia: Its just that theres this guy who keeps texting me but I dont think I know who it is. Its a masked number and they wont tell me who it is.

I swear to God if I find out if that person asked or said inappropriate things to her... Let's just say I'm already in a bad mood. I'll find out who this motherfucker is quicker than they can write another message to her. She's obviously creeped out, because she chose to tell me.

Another 'bing' sounded and I immediately read it. 

Sophia: I didnt want to tell my parents because they would just take my phone away from me and delete all the social media apps I have. 

Me: How long has this been going on? And do you know if it's a guy or not? I replied, my fingers gliding over the keyboard quicker than ever. 

Sophia: I got the first message when I got outside, after I left your table at lunch. Since then they wont leave me alone.

Sophia: And I think its a guy.

I needed to control my anger, there was nothing I could do if I didn't know who it was. Although it was most-likely to be some moron jock from school that's playing a prank on her or is trying to ask for nudes, I still wanted to break their nose and phone altogether. 

I asked her if she's tried to block them and her response made me want to go over there myself. She told me has blocked them once, but a few minutes later, another blocked number came up, it was the same person though. After she sent this, she began typing again, only to stop for a second and start again, then she stopped for a while and continued - as if she were very hesitant to say it. 

Sophia: I wanted to remove them again but he kind of pressurized me into letting him stay. 

What the hell does that mean?

Me: I'm coming. I sent and was already on my way, ignoring her pleas to keep me here. She said it wasn't that big of a deal, bullshit! Everything that's got to do with her is big dea- fuck.

I jumped in my car after shouting at Kyle that I was going somewhere, alone. It only took me a few minutes to get there - first of all, I knew where she lived, secondly, I might've crossed over the speed-limit a lot, but who gives a shit? I didn't get into an accident or anything. 

Before I could knock on the door, I heard a whisper-shout from above me. I looked up and saw Sophia's upper-body hanging out of the window. "Don't knock! My parents are home, and if they see you, I'll possibly get grounded or something!" Damn, her parents are fucking strict. Do they think they can hide their sixteen-year-old daughter away from the world? Although I shouldn't be one to talk, I'd want to keep her to myself, away from this shitty world, too if she were my girlfrie- damnit!

"How am I supposed to-" I began, but she placed her finger against her lips...her pink, soft-looking lips. At this point, I don't even care about what I think, I know I won't be able to stop anyway. 

"I'll get you in, but please be quiet," she said and vanished, probably heading downstairs to open the door. 

I heard it unlock and internally smiled when I got to see her face again. I remembered every fine detail about her just as it is.

She welcomed me inside and lead me towards her bedroom. On the stairs, he father yelled, "Sophia, was that you?" Before her dad got the chance to get out of his room to come check, Sophia replied nervously but clearly with, "Yup! Th-There was, uh... I just thought I saw someone from school, but I was wrong!" 

I smirked at her stuttering state, she was adorable yet something about her was elegant and...sexy? It was only when she pulled my hand with hers that I snapped out of my trance, I was probably checking her out like those boys in the hallways, always so indiscreet, though Sophia was too oblivious to notice. 

We entered her room and she motioned for me to sit down on her bed, I did, and felt the it slightly dip when she came beside me. She kept her distance and I knew she also felt the tension in here. Not completely a sexual tension, but it'll probably get there...

She had her phone clutched tightly in her other hand and a loud 'ping' came from it. Sophia's eyes widened and she looked at me, there was fear in her eyes. It made me bitter and I told her to give me her phone, which she did. I read it over and couldn't believe my eyes. 

Sophia looked at me expectantly, but I couldn't show her, it was too bad. Way too bad... 

A/N: Hehehe, another cliffhanger. Well, kind of anyways. 

Sooo, thank you for reading and please VOTE! We're almost at 1k, I'm so exciteddd :D

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