Illumi the most beautiful mermaid

Start from the beginning

Resting his luggage on the floor causing a small click due to the supports behind the wheels coming into contact with the dark wood floor the albino takes out of his pocket some keys that consisted of the key to his room, house and car - a bmw that was given to him by  his grandfather as a gift of 18 to which he was discreetly delivered by him - using the blue key he locks his room.  Putting the keys away again, he grabs his suitcase and drags it up the stairs - also brown - making a little loud noise as he goes down it.

Arriving at the kitchen again, he sees Leorio leaning against the counter, which is gray at the top and brown at the bottom, which matches the walls that are a light gray tone, the brunette with glasses is also in front of the wooden window.  dark and white blinds, Alluka picking up a freshly placed apple in the white fruit bowl by Illumi who didn’t see her because she is in the sink washing the coffee plates, Ikalgo is sitting in front of Alluka with her arms crossed on the dark wooden table of the same color  which is also present on the counter and on the chairs.

 "Let's go?"  The blue-eyed boy asks getting the attention of everyone in the room.

 "Yes" speak Leorio and Ikalgo as they get up going to pick up their bags in the room which the albino did not notice when they arrived, seeing his friends' bags that are almost the same as his -Leorio black and Ikalgo red - reminds him of his  doubt you had minutes ago.

 "Illumi, I don't remember taking my bag out of the wardrobe, were you the one who took it?"  Killua speaks looking away from his friends now looking and waiting for an answer from his brother who has just washed the dishes.

 "Yes I was worried that you didn't even fix it so while you were passed out and dreaming about Gon I went up to your room and looked for you, I also looked if you were taking everything you needed" Killua's face turns bright red with  the mention of him dreaming of Gon - which was not a lie but he will not admit it -.

 "S-shut up" he curses himself mentally for stuttering.  "Now let's go" He practically yells, still trying to lessen his blush.

 "Aren't you forgetting anything?"  Illumi says raising an eyebrow, knowing what her brother means, he looks at it again.

 "Thank you" Killua says with a little bit of anger.  Alluka, who until now was quiet, finished her apple and finally spoke.

 "What about my goodbye hug?"  She says getting up and opening her arms the boy turns to look at her and is upset to have forgotten her.

 "Sorry Alluka and I promise that I'll send a message to you and Illumi as soon as I get to my dorm" he says hugging the youngest, Alluka closes her eyes and nods.

 "It is good that you do what you say" Illumi says, walking up to them and caressing their heads.  "Now go on, have you wasted too much time and Alluka have you packed your things? Don't your classes start today?"  Alluka, on hearing her brother, becomes whiter than usual - if possible - and breaks the hug by hurrying up the stairs.

 "Goodbye Illumi" Killua says, distancing himself, picking up his bag again and walking to the door followed by his friends.

 "Until the next Illumi" says Ikalgo waving and going through the door that was opened by killua.

 "Enjoy the time you are going to have with your boyfriend when Alluka leaves for school" Leorio says and immediately runs through the door before Illumi can process her words.

 "That bastard" Illumi turns a little red as she closes the door and walks through the kitchen to stand in front of a window above the counter where Leorio was leaning a few minutes ago.

 "Good luck Kill" Illumi mumbles to himself as he sees the BMW moving away from his home.

 "Good luck Kill" Illumi mumbles to himself as he sees the BMW moving away from his home

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 Author's notes

 Well I will try to post chapters between 1,000 to 2,000 (I would write more but I have online classes) words and the next one will take because I will write extra chapters (I think 3) to be posted once a week.

 I hope you enjoyed it!

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