Chapter two: we finally meet

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❄Jacks POV ❄

Here I am with my sister and dad walking into the winters corporation , I just found out that I have to marry the next heir to this Company so my family's will grow.

being honest I'm not happy about this "arranged marriage " for all I know the girl can be a complete geek and ugly.

oh well if it's for our company I'll do it , we're already at mr. Winter's office my dad knocks and we open the door we walk inside and my dad introduced us

"Hi I'm John moon frost and I will like to introduce my son jack and my daughter Emma " he says and steps back

That's when I see a platinum blond girl with big blue eyes she's gorgeous! I think I might like this arranged marriage after all.

beside her I saw a tall guy with platinum blond hair as well and blue eyes .I wonder who he is? But suddenly I see their holding hands huh must be her boyfriend she's to pretty to be single.

" Welcome , I'm Harry winter's and this Is- " the platinum blond cuts him off

" Elsa , elsa overland and this is - " she says when the white hair guy cuts her off too

" Jake overland , Elsa's twin brother " he says and smirked

I step forward and walk to them I shake Elsa's hand and introduce myself

" I'm Jack Frost and this is my younger sister Emma "I say and wink at elsa and all I get is a gleare from Jake and giggles from elsa which I found really cute

" so let's sit down and get to know each other shall we? " mr. Winter's says

" That would be best " my dad says

we head over and sit on the couch soon enough snacks and drinks come at the corner of my eye I see elsa wink at Jake he picks up some hot chocolate and takes a sip

" so jack how old our you ? " he asks me

" Well I'm 21 years old- " I was cut off when I felt something really hot on my legs! I look down to see hot chocolate on my pants

"OMG ITS SUPER HOT!!" I yell and get up to see elsa and Jake laughing

" Why would you do that!?" I yell

" Do what? It slipped sorry " he says while smirking

" Whatever " I say and just sit back down

"Well we all know why were here for elsa and jacks arranged marriage that will happen in a years time "

" wait what!? In one year! " she yells

" yes in one year while Jake and Emma's who'll be in two "he says to elsa

"Elsa calm down let's listen to what dad has to say " Jake says trying to comfort her

" No aspen it's not fair! After all he did I won't anything he says! " she yells

" Elsa! Sit down at once! " her dad said to her

" No I won't Harry , I'm leaving look for someone else to save the company" she says and storms out the room

" look what you did Harry! I'm leaving too goodbye!" He says and runs after elsa

" I'm sorry for my children's behavior please join me and my family to dinner tonight at our house " he says

" That would be great! Thank you we won't be late " my dad says we soon walk out

But all I kept thinking was what elsa ment when she said " after all he's done " is there something we don't know ?

~♤ time skip 30 minutes later♤~

❄ Elsa's POV ❄

I can't believe my father would do that! What am I kidding he only cares about himself I should know this by now but I can't . I finally get home and I close the door when grace comes up to me

" Elsa , sweetie what wrong? " she says with concern in her voice

" my father is planning an arranged marriage for me " I say and start to cry suddenly I felt warmth I look up to see grace hugging me

" Oh sweetie , how dare he do that! I'll talk to him when he gets home maybe I can change his mind" she says smiling

" You would really do that for me?"I ask

" Of course your my child and I'll do anything for you and your brother and sister " she says

" Thank you grace you've always been nice to jake and I I'm sorry I was mean to you "I say and hug her tight

" Your welcome sweetie "she says I feel water on my check I look up and see grace crying and smiling

Suddenly the door open I turn around to see Jake I get up and run to hug him and cry. He looks at me and hugs me tightly

" Elsa told me what happened and I'm going to put some serious sense into your father's head! " she tells Jake

" Thank you for everything grace" Jake says smiling with that grace runs to hug both Jake and I

"I love you both like you were my children I know I won't ever replace your mother , but I can try to be like a second mother to you both "she says crying and smiling

" We love you to grace" we both say

" Now , now go get some rest both of you I'll call you when dinner is ready "she says

" Thanks for everything grace " Jake says and carries me to our room and lays me down

" Night elsa " he says and starts to walk away but I call him

"Jake can you lay down with me please " I say to jake

" Of course elsa " he says and lays down next to me

" You know elsa maybe this " jack "guy isn't so bad " he tells me

"I dunno Jake like I always say you can't marry a man you just met " I say

" Let's give him a chance and if he blows it me and Anna will kick his ass " he says smirking

" I guess getting to know him won't hurt will it? " I ask

"No it won't now let's go to sleep I'm tired grace will wake us up when it time for dinner" he says

" Okay , let's go to sleep goodnight Jakie"I say smiling evilly

" goodnight Elsie " he says smirking

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