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Chapter 4


Jiang Wanyin, the clan leader of the Jiang clan, saluted Lan Wangji. "Your Excellency."

The latter replied the gesture, saying in tight tone. "Clan Leader Jiang. What brings you here to Cloud Recesses?"

The clan leader Jiang cleared his throat. "I want to greet Your Excellency as our new Chief Cultivator. May the relationship between our clan will remain in good terms."

Lan Wangji took a deep breath. "You came all the way from Yunmeng just to greet me? If that was your intention, then, I should be the one who visit your home. Not the other way."

Wei Wuxian's brother blinked in surprise and suddenly felt nervous. The last time they met was in Yunmeng, and the event was unpleasant too. He learned the truth about his golden core...Wei Wuxian's golden core. Ever since in Guanyin Temple, he never met Wei Wuxian again. Jiang Wanyin suspected his brother was in Cloud Recesses, for he knew, Lan Wangji was the closest person to him. When the Lan disciples visited Yunmeng and told him about the Second Childe Lan became the new Chief Cultivator, he had hope he could meet Wei Wuxian, but apparently his brother wasn't here.

Lan Wangji, of course, knew what was in the clan leader Jiang's mind. "Are you looking for Wei Ying?"

Jiang Wanyin was silent for a moment before answering, "Yes. I thought he's here."

"He's not."

Well, technically...he is not. Lan Wangji said mentally.

"Oh." The Second Childe Lan could see the disappointment on the clan leader's face.

"You already sent Wei Ying away from your clan. You even wish him to go as far as he can. Why are you looking for him now?" Lan Wangji asked coldly.

"I..." Jiang Wanyin didn't know what to say. "If he isn't here, what can I do, then?" He stared at the Chief Cultivator. "Do you know where he may go?"

"Even if I do, I won't tell you," came the reply from the Second Childe Lan.

The clan leader chuckled. "Yes, you're right." He took a deep breath. "Actually, my other intention is about Jin Ling."

Lan Wangji raised his eyebrows. "Your nephew?"

Jiang Wanyin nodded. "After what happened in Guanyin Temple...the Jin clan has no leader and Jin Ling is the only son of the Jin family. He has every right to become the clan leader. I'm just afraid he's too young."

"There's no such thing as too young," Lan Wangji said. "My elder brother became the clan leader when his age was around your nephew's. The same goes to Clan Leader Nie and yourself."

"Those were different."

"In what way? The things happened 16 years ago dan now are very much the same. The clan needs its leader and Jin Ling must ready for his responsibility."

"He...was raised in Yunmeng, although he often visited Lanling in some occasions. At those times, I saw not all the Jin clan members like him."

Lan Wangji watched Jiang Wanyin, waiting for latter's reaction.

"I'm asking for Your Excellency's help to make Jin Ling the clan leader and explains to the Jin clan members."

The Second Childe Lan stared to Jiang Wanyin's eyes. "And you? Do you want him to become the clan leader?"

"Of course," the clan leader answered hurriedly.

"Do you wish him to become the clan leader because he has to or because you wish him to?"

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