nice to meet you

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"Sorry about Marcus.He's an asshole."The girl from earlier,Maxine says.

"Actually,he was quite nice."I reply and take the skateboard in my hands.

"He's my twin brother."Max says and grabs Ginny by the hand.At least now,it makes sense why she doesn't like Marcus.

"Are you coming?"Max and Ginny ask and I walk after them

"Where are you from?"Max asks.

"Texas."Ginny replies.

"Texas.So exotic."Max say and I laugh at her.

"Are you straight?"Max asks.

"Bi."I reply.

"What?"Ginny asks confused.

"Gay,staright,they,them?"I say and Ginny looks confused at me.

"Straight."She finally says.

"Serena,you're the only good gay here."Max says and puts her arm around me.


"You are going to love my friends,OK?"Max says and we walk towards a table.

"That's Norah,that's Jordan,that's Brodie,that's Hunter,and this is Abby.Guys these are Ginny and Serena."Max says and I smile at them.Too many people and my social anxiety can't handle it.

"Nice to meet you all,but I have to go."I say and they look weirdy at me.

"Probably going skating and shit."Ginny says and I roll my eyes at her.

"Shut up and you might actually make some friends."I grin and leave.

As you probably noticed now,I don't like big friendgroups,they're annoying and they all fall apart.


Me and Ginny arrived at Max's house and we got to her room.It was really nice and...specific.

"So how do you like Wellsbury?Is it paradise?"Max asks.

"It's weird."Ginny says.

"Not paradise,but it'll work.From all the places I've been to,this is by far the nicest,which is weird."I say.

"So,Serena do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?"Max asks.

"Not...yet."I say and we both laugh.

"While you were gone I found out Hunter likes Ginny,a little."Max says and my jaw drops.My sister isn't exactly the datig type like my mom or me.

"Not surprised if Ginny chooses him,she doesn't have taste."I tell her and Ginny scoffs.

"Hunter is really nice and he is the hottest guy in the school."Max replies.

"Well,then the whole school doesn't have taste."I argue back and they roll their eyes.

Max and Ginny leave to get drinks and snacks,while I stay in the room.How can someone give so much homework.I bet Mr.Gitten is now at home,drinkin  beer or probabl argueing with his wife.

"Are yo stalking me,neighbor?"Marcus asks.I didn't even see him leaning on the door frame.

"You wish."I reply and close my laptop.

He slowly starts walking towards me,but it didn't make me nervous cause I knew exactly what he wanted.He slowly leans in and his hands go behind my back.

"Looking for this?"I ask holding a small pack with weed.He laughs and rolls his eyes.I smile and look deeply into his brown eyes as we both smile,our faces closer than ever.

"Marcus what are you doing?"Max asks and the two of us stand up.

"Why is that in my room?"Max asks looking in my hands.

"Ask him."I say and walk out.

"Where are you off to?"Ginny asks.

"Back in a second."I say and her and Max close the door after them.

"How'd you know I was gonna do that?"Marcus asks and comes closer to me.

"I noticed it as soon as I sat there.You should look for better hiding places."I say.

"You're not like my sister.Maxine hates drugs."He argues back.

"Well,it's not exactly the best activity,but I need them."I say.

"Definitely.Now ,come with me."He says and I look at him confused.

"Why would I do that exactly?"I ask.

"Why not?"He then says and I finally give in.

"Nice bike."I say as I see a motorcycle outside.

"Thanks,I can give you ride sometimes."Marcus says.

"No need."I say and I sit on the bike,put the helmet on and drive through the driveway.

"Stop!Hey!"He exclaims but I ignore him and go back in his yard.

"That was seriously not cool,but surprisingly you did a great job."Marcus says as I take my helmet off and lean back on the bike.He leans in the same way as ealier today,but this time even more.I thought this time it was some kind of joke,but instead I feel his lips on mine.He kissed me.I didn't pull back,cause a part of me actually wanted it.

The kiss was interrupted by a car in a driveway.

"Marcus,let's go!Who's she?"A girls asks from the car.

"Oh,I'm one of Maxine's friends."I say awkwardly as they leave.God,I'm so stupid.It's my second day her and I already kiss someone's boyfriend,technically he kissed me,but still it's so awkward.

I run to my house and go immediately to my mum.

"Honey,what's wrong?"She asks me.

"I kissed someone's boyfriend."I say and she hugs me.

"At least you're a virgin."She laughs.

"Yeah."I sigh and go to my room.

The rest of the evening I spent in the garage and then went back to my room and watched tiktoks all night.It's only my second day and I messed up.This town is going to kill me.

our little secret | ginny and georgia | marcus bakerWhere stories live. Discover now