Chapter 5 ✔️

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It was the day of the entrance exam, Gon, Killua and Bisky each wore their normal outfits, they knew most everyone will be in school outfits but they couldn't risk someone from the school they'll use the uniform of won't recognise them and point it out.

The three took all of their stuff, put them in their bags, ate breakfast and then made their way towards UA, the walk wasn't too long, an hour walk for normal people, ten minutes run for the three hunters.

As they reached the school gates Gon saw many others making their way through the gates, the school was pretty big so Gon made sure to memorize every part of it as they walked.

Gon, Killua and Bisky soon reached the auditorium where everybody sat, they sat in the back of the room, less likely to be noticed and far enough so Gon's ears won't bust from too much noise.

The hunters sat down as they waited for the rest to sit down as well and for everything to start, soon it all happened and a hero that some kids called Present Mic told them of the test they're going to take.

Gon was disappointed, it seemed to have only one phase and wasn't that hard at all, he got a little curious when he heard of the zero pointer but other than that everything sounded so easy it was annoying.

"And they said it's hard, it's only a few robots" Gon stated "I agree, should we even stay?" Killua asked "I'm staying, I won't to see the zero pointer" Bisky said, Gon and Killua nodded in agreement.

"It's gotta be something if it's supposed to get in our way, right?" Gon asked, Killua and Bisky nodded "it should, come on lets go discover which arena we're going to go" Killua said, the three of them stood up and walked towards the front where they each got a badge with a letter on it.

"I got arena A, you?" Gon asked "arena C, you?" Killua asked Bisky "arena F" answered Bisky "they separated everyone from the same place or, they separated us as well because we put our names at the same time, so they think we're from the same place" Killua pointed out.

"Well, we won't get in each other's way, this way, so it's good" Bisky said, Gon and Killua nodded in agreement, the three hunters then made their way to their buses.

Gon said bye to Killua and Bisky before he entered his bus and sat down next to a boy with red spiky hair "my name is Kirishima Eijiro, it's nice to meet you!" Said the redhead.

"I'm Freecs Gon!" Gon replied "so, what's your quirk??" Asked Kirishima "mine is hardening, I can harden any part of my body!" He added, does everyone give away their abilities like that? How dumb, thought Gon.

"My quirk is called Enhance" Gon answered, not saying anything more, the name is more than enough "that sounds so manly! Is your body enhanced or something like that?" Asked Kirishima.

Gon shrugged, not really giving an answer "are you here with any friends?? I came here alone!" Kirishima said "I came here with two friends, Killua and Bisky" Gon answered.

"Oh, are they in different arenas?" Kirishima asked, Gon nodded, this guy was way too enthusiastic, even for Gon, it annoyed Gon a little, he wished he could just choke him, maybe cut his head off? It will be over in a second, wait...what? Since when do I think of those stuff, that's usually Killua's thing, right? Gon asked himself in confusion.

The bus soon came to a stop, Gon ignored Kirishima and walked down and towards the arena, he waited at the front with everybody else.

When everybody was there the door opened, Gon didn't wait before running inside, he saw a one pointer in his way, jumping up a little Gon kicked the robot, the robot flew to the side and crushed into a building.

"Woah, I didn't even use much strength, those things are weak" Gon stated as he continued running through the fake city and crushing robots left and right.

Seven minutes later Gon had exactly 517 points, then he felt the ground shake, is this an earthquake? Gon wondered before he turned around to see a huge robot with the mark of zero points on it.

"Woah, that's awesome!" Gon yelled as he ran towards the robot, when he was close enough he started running up it's leg, jumping above the robot's hands when he tried throwing him off.

Soon Gon found his way to the robot's head, he took his fist back, using nen to protect his fist, he didn't use any nen to enhance his strength seeing the other robots were so easy.

Gon jumped up and punched the robot, the bot crushed into the ground like a can of soda, Gon frowned as he slowly fell to the ground until he landed.

That was easy, Gon thought with a sigh, he slowly made his way to the gate as the busser to announce the end of the exam was heard.

Gon ran back to the entrance of the school, deciding to skip on the bus this time.

A few minutes later Gon reached the gate, he waited for a few more minutes until Killua and Bisky ran towards him "that was a total waste of my time" the hunters said in sync before they started laughing.

"Honestly a disappointment" Gon said as he walked towards the building where the written test is to be taken "yeah, hey I thought about it, we've been working on writing stuff with nen, right?" Killua asked, Bisky nodded.

"So why not write answers on the written exam with nen to each other as practice?" Killua asked, Gon and Bisky smirked in reply "that's a great idea, Killua" Bisky said.

The three hunters made their way into the school building and towards the classroom a teacher told them to go to.

They entered the right classroom and sat down in their seats as the exam started, ready? Start! Bisky wrote with nen, they all flipped the paper, starting the exam.

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