“Now let's not bring her up tonight, honey.” Grandma glares at him.

My face freezes in place. I can almost feel some of the light drain from my eyes. I feel the barest whimper from my wolf. I look quickly between the three people in front of me, checking to see if any of them noticed my reaction. I don't think any of them notice, but two of them are former alpha's. You don't live as long as they have by not being observant. I hold out my hand to Charity, and she takes it. We enter the ballroom with the Oaks smiling after us.

It's still early in the night. The young wolves of the hosting pack are normally the first to arrive to the dance, so this means I might have to keep up this facade for most of the night. I smile and nod to pack members in passing but if any of them really knew me they would have seen that the smile didn't reach my eyes. Celine managed to drag Charity out on to the dance floor, leaving me with Brian.

“Look at those two. I've said it before, but I will say it again. Damn if I didn't luck out with Celine.” He glances over at me. Something in my expression must have caught his attention. “I can't even imagine what you’re feeling right now, seeing her out there and knowing she’s destined for someone else. Is it getting to you?” He asks. Well he's only half right. I look at him.

“I would be lying if I said it didn't a little. As long as her mate treats her right I will be fine. If not, then all bet's are off.” I growl out the last line. Brian raises an eyebrow at me.

“Me and Marcus will have your back on that Tom.”

Brian jerks his head at Marcus who is headed our way without Bella on his arm, which is strange. A burning sensation start's building in my chest, an agonized howl comes from the darkest reaches of the cave my wolf has made for himself inside me. I fight to not show that anything is wrong.

“Hey Brian. Celine is looking good as usual.” Brian arches his brow at Marcus before a smile spread across his face. “And by the goddess who would have ever thought Charity was such a stunner? I knew with Celine on the job she would turn heads, but I've seen a couple of guys who have to have suffered whiplash doing a double take.” Marcus reaches out and puts his hand on my shoulder. I know my shoulders are tense from the burning pain lancing through my chest.

“Yeah, our jaws hit the floor when she came down the stairs, didn't they Tom?” Brian says as Marcus gives me a look of concern.

“Tom I'm sorry if I said something to upset you, I know you care for her deeply. I'm actually a little jealous.” I give him a tight fake smile.

“Thanks Marcus. I think I just need some air to collect myself.” I need to get somewhere no one will see me.

Marcus gives my shoulder a squeeze. I turn and try not to run for the door. My wolf is now continuously howling in a low pitiful tone. I'm not really paying attention to where I'm going, I just know that I'm going away from everyone. When I finally look at my surroundings, I realize I'm in the hotel's gym.

I let out the scream of pain that I've been holding in since I left the ballroom. I throw myself into the corner of the room, clutching at my chest as I slide down to the floor. The burning pain has started to feel as if something is trying to claw it's way out of my chest. I roll so I'm on my hands and knees. Why her? Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it have been anyone else? My back spasms as I scream again. I lose track of time as the pain continues for the goddess only knows how long. But finally the pain stop's.

She Rejected MeWhere stories live. Discover now