[ 05 ] paint stains

Start from the beginning


TECHNO VEHEMENTLY HATED SOCIAL SITUATIONS; although, it was less hatred, and more utter discomfort and dissociation. He hated the small talk, which, in all honesty, he never truly understood. Why must there be bounds to conversation? How much is too much? What is oversharing?

He'd always been a timid and standoffish kid; never exactly fitting the category of shy. He was just quiet the staff at the adoption centre would claim. Clearly, there was a disconnect deep down within the boy but nobody could definitively say anything was wrong. That was until the incident (or, well, the first of which).

He'd thrown himself onto the cheap linoleum flooring of the halls of the adoptive centre and started hysterically crying and viciously shaking. This was, obviously, more reflex than choice. It'd just been so overwhelming for the poor boy to walk with the other kids; how he wished he could just walk in a group without becoming so grotesquely overcome with fear.

This small quirk in technos behaviour had heavily diminished Will and his chances of ever getting adopted. They'd been marked as a 'do not separate' duo; if you wanted Will (with his shining smile and charisma) you'd have to take techno and his social ineptitudes. This, however, didn't stop Phil from adopting the duo. He adored will, and techno even more!

Of course, Phil had helped him through it and he'd been put on an easy to follow regimen of anxiety and ADHD medication. Honestly, the fear of social situations had dulled down to a lull of discomfort, and, by this point and he'd learnt how to manage the panic when it arose (which wasn't very often he would constantly assure Phil).

Techno was sitting silently drinking water in the Greens living room; Wilbur had gone off to use the restroom, Phil was conversing with the two eldest Greens, Tommy had been hauled off to Tobys bedroom, and, Theo, the Greens supposed oldest child was nowhere to be seen. So, Techno, was alone drinking water. Which, by all accounts, wasn't upsetting. He rather enjoyed being lost in his thoughts.

('So, Theo; he went to boarding school?' 'Yeah, It was an art school but he's too old to go now— he's wonderful at art, truly, I just wish he'd get his grades up in English' 'Oh! Techno is in advanced English— he could help if you needed someone to tutor him')

"So, Techno, would you be up to helping Theo out on some English?" This was Mr Green. Techno, honestly, had no clue what exactly lead to this question but it came nonetheless.

"Sure," It wasn't that techno cared about Theo's grade in english, nor that he needed anymore volunteering for his university application. He agreed simply out of social obligation (something he found himself doing more and more frequently). He sat through what seems like hours of conversation and then turns to Phil; exhaustively.

"I have a headache, can I walk home? I need some air." Phil, obviously agreed. So, Techno excused himself, bid the Mr. & Mrs. Green farewell. He didn't say goodbye to Will. He didn't say goodbye to Tommy. He didn't meet Theo. He grabbed his coat and left.


DAY FIVE — 9:53 PM


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WILL WAS HAPPY TO BE ALONE, HE, STILL, DIDN'T EXACTLY ENJOY TOMMY'S COMPANY. He stumbled down the empty hallway and carefully opened the third door on the left. In that room, Wilbur found a boy (covered in paint) humming along to something he was listening to through crappy headphones. The room itself was, quite clearly, not a restroom, instead it was a bedroom covered in an obscene amount of art supplies. Will Froze. He stood there for, honestly, a lot longer than he should've. Eventually, the boy turned to him and jumped.

"Oh, Jesus I sorry were you, like, standing there long?" The boys face had a handful of soft freckles splattered on it.

"Yyeahno! No, no, I was looking for the washroom, Toby told me it was on the far left, and I'm assuming this isn't it." Wilbur was a bumbling dumb-ass (well, that wasn't new information).

"Hah, yeah. Toby really needs to learn his lefts from his rights." They stood there for a moment "Also, out of curiosity not that I don't adore having strangers walk through my housewho exactly are you?" Every word the boy spoke was undercut with a whimsical (or beautifully fantastical, Wilbur thought ) tiredness.

"Wilbur, your neighbour"

"Oh. Oh!" Recognition ran through the boy's eyes, he quickly stuck out his hand to shake. Although he soon noticed it, like the rest of him, was covered in paint. His hands were also cluttered with a few rings. Brass, Steel, Gold. They were pretty; they suited him. "Shit I I have to get changed uhm The washroom is across the hall I should I'll be out soon! I'll see you in the living room, I hope?"

"Alright." The door was promptly shut, but soon after swung open just for the boy to say

"I'm Theo, by the way."

Wilbur stood dazed in the hallway for a few moments before turning around and quickly using the restroom. He washed his hands, carefully scrubbing each finger, nook, and cranny. Then, he put his ear flush against the door and waited. He wasn't exactly sure why, but, he wanted to talk to the boy no Theo again. Eventually, Theo's door swung open and Will let the restroom door open as well.

"Hi," he would say, breathless and naive.

"Hi," Theo would reply, in his tired and gentle way.

"So— you paint." That was stupid, he obviously painted. The paint splattered on him, and his room were proof.


"Can I see your art?" A simple question, Will hadn't put much thought into it (he just wanted the conversation to go on).

"Its not finished so I don't want to, like— like show it to the world, I suppose." Theo stated quickly, "We should probably go to the living room."

Oh, Wilbur thought.

"Yeah, okay," Will said, declaratively. He wished he had something more to say, something interesting enough to intrigue the freckled boy. Something so poetic and smooth it would enamour him. Something that mattered.


Okay so, I'm going to write quickly and once I'm finished act 1 (15 parts) I'll edit it; fully overhaul. Sorry this chapter is not the best and I know that I just need to get something out.

eXtremely rUShed but I'm starting the next chapter right now!! Vote if you enjoyed (or don't that's okay!) and comment if you feel so inclined, the comments really make my day!!

Question: Although you've had like less than 2000 words knowing about Theo Green, do you think he's an interesting character? (its ok If you haven't formed an opinion so far)

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