Chapter 01: Pains

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Robin's POV

They've always treated me like a kid, sure I was only 13 but I'm not any different. Artemis, Wally, Megan and Conner are 15 while Kauldur was 16. They have 2-3 years on me but I'm a bit more experienced than all of them, I hated it. They would always aw ask if I'm ok or that I should stay here. No more weaknesses, I knew theirs and they shouldn't know mine. I was strong willed, mentally stable and at peak of my abilities. I heard snapping and saw waving.

"Rob, you're in there?" KF said and I blink a bunch and I looked at them.

"You ok, Robin?" Conner asked.

"Yeah. Are you ok?" Megan said and I wanted to shout at them, but they just cared.

"I'm fine." I bit of anger laced my voice but not a lot. I was currently siting in Mount Justice, next to Conner watching static, Artemis cleaning her bow and arrows, Megan was cooking, Kauldur was reading Hunger Games and Wally was groaning from boredom.

"Team, you have a mission." Batman said and Wally smiled.

"FINALLY!" he said in exaggeration, we stood up and walked to our rooms. I took off my civvies and put on my Robin uniform and plastered my domino mask on my face, I slide my glove on and walked out the door and was fourth then came Artemis and Kauldur. Conner, Wally and Megan were already there, we stood and looked at Batman.

"The mission is simple, stop a drug trade and give the drugs to the police." he said and we nodded.

"The trade is at the dock and should be simple to stop." he said and Kauldur spoke up.

"Stealth?" He asked and Batman nodded and looked at me.

"Yes!" He said in a commanding tone and all eyes were on me.

"Robin, stay back for the results." he said and the team walked off and he placed a firm hand on my shoulder.

"I expect more from you than the others." he said and tightened his grip and I pinched my fingers together and he released.

"The location is the docks" he said and I walked off. To many questions paraded my mind and I walked into the bio-ship and took a seat.

"When did you make that Bay-Watch?" Artemis's voice rang through my head
" Speed. Remember babe" he said and I remembered Wally recently asked Artemis on a date and they were together while Aqualad had Rocket and I had no one. I just slumped in my chair from uttered sleepiness, I could feel their eyes glaring daggers from the back of my head then Megan set up a link with me.

'Listen to them and don't talk at all ok.' she said and I stared.

'Ok.' I replied back.

'Get ready.' she mentally smiled and I smirked.

'Imma go.' I replied and the others entered my head.

'Megan. Robin's not in here right?' Kauldur said and she shook her head.
'No, he's not' she replied and he smiled.

'I can believe he's thinks I don't have powers.' Artemis said and I stared.

'You have powers?!' KF gasped.

'Yeah, healing factor.' she said and he smiled.

'Nice babe.' he said and she giggled.

'I think Robin should be impeached from this team.' Kauldur replied to their conversation.

'No, he's a good member.' Megan said and I clenched my fists.

"Robin, Are you ok?" Kauldur asked me and I zoned out.

"Yeah, I'm fine." my voice cracked slightly.

"Alright." he said and continued the mental conversation.

'Ok I kind of agree with you.' Megan said and I mouthed.

"Anger." I mouthed at then they continued.

'Me too' Conner said and she smiled.

'Should we bring it up with Batman?' Wally asked and they nodded.

'Yeah, we should he's just so young.' Artemis said and I cut out the telepathic contacted. I was fuming with anger, people couldn't even comprehend and that's not good because I'm already tired.

"Robin you ok? We're almost there." Wally said and I nodded.

"Fine." I replied back and looked out the window; it was kind of hot in here.

"We're here." Megan said and she parked the Bio-Ship and we walked out
"Ok Conner, Megan and I will go left, Wally and Artemis you go right and Robin, you go straight." Aqualad said and we agreed.

"Ok." I said and we separated paths. I walked down straight and heard a familiar voice and I jumped into stealth.

"So are you sure that they Young Justice wouldn't be here?" a dealer asked and I saw him. Bane. He was definitely on Cobra Venom and I watched.

"Yes mi amigos and if they were here, we would know." he said and turned around.

"Stop Bane" Artemis called out and they all stepped out and they took on dealers.

"Come on Birdie, show yourself." he said and I jumped down and landed gracefully in the balms of my feet.

"So you decided it." he said and I looked at him and I was paraded with questions from mental contact.

'Artemis Help.' Wally begged.

'Be right there.' she said and he punched my stomach and I fell to my knees and stood up and tried to punch back and he elbowed my chest and threw me against a wall and I fell on my back and I felt a strong foot on my chest and saw Bane there.

"Birdies off his game tonight." he said and pushed harder on my chest.

" Surly they don't want you to die." he said and pointed to my friend who were looking at me and he pushed harder on my chest and I heard something crack and snap and it became harder to breath. I looked up and saw black spots in my vision.

"Goodnight, my friend." he said and I slipped into the bliss of unconsciousness.


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