12| How To Save A Speedster

Start from the beginning

A new voice seemed to break through and I felt a warm rush.

You may be weak as the Flash, Mr. Allen. But El Bariq can bring so much more to the world. Embrace him, forget about you're old life. Do not hesitate. Your friends, your team, your family, they are the enemy. They want to stop you from bringing the world to its rightful glory. Every time they open their mouths, they are lying to you. Do what you must, do not hesitate to kill them. Succeed in your mission as El Bariq, bring the world to its glory.

My mother's smiling face stared at me as she sat on my bed when I was a child. I thought about how the speed force took on her appearance. Anger flashed through my veins with the realization that it only did that, so it could control me. It could get me to do what it wanted.

Everyone had manipulated me the same way, telling me what I wanted or needed to hear, so they could get what they wanted. They wanted access to my glory, my chance to make the world a better place, but their way.

I saw my daughter Nora as XS and me as the Flash racing through Central City, trying to stop Cicada. I saw her death every day, in my head, in my dreams. I hated Thawne for that, for sending her back to change the timeline for his own agenda.

So much trauma, The voice cooed. Give in, Mr. Allen. Let the pain be taken away.

All my life, people had manipulated me, told me no, but not anymore.

This time, I didn't fight it. I let the darkness consume me, and in the process, locking Barry farther away.

Savitar had said he was driven into the dark by the team. Now, I've been driven into the dark. Savitar may have been one of the team's hardest enemies, but this time, I was going to make their lives worse than ever before.

This time, I chose the darkness, as it had chosen me.

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Third POV:

The quietness of the Waverider was disturbing- as it was filled with superheroes and friends. Iris sat with Felicity as they hovered in space. Oliver, Sara, Kara, Kate, and Wally were talking about strategy. Everyone else was talking with each other, trying to figure out why it hadn't worked. Felicity sighed as Iris cried softly into her hands.

"Hey, Iris. We will get him back," She promised.

Iris looked up from her hands, her red eyes puffy. "You think so?" She asked, taking her sleeve to her face to wipe her eyes.

Felicity nodded. "Yes, we have geniuses and heroes here, I'm sure we can figure out something. We almost got through to Barry last time, remember?"

"Yes," Iris said, nodding her head as she moved her eyes around the area, processing the information. Her eyes holding back tears, but then suddenly, she jumped up, clapping her hands together. "I've got it! I know how to save Barry!"

Everyone turned to face her, and the Waverider fell quiet. Felicity smiled at her friend. Iris looked so calm right now-not one tear in her eyes.

Harry looked at her, examining her over his glasses. "Really, West-Allen?" He asked, sounding a little impressed. "Go on," he urged her.

Iris stepped forward, her legs shaking. Felicity motioned to Caitlin, and they walked over there, wrapping their arms around Iris, supporting her as she walked to the center of the Waverider.

"You can do it," Caitlin whispered. Iris nodded gratefully at her, standing up straighter.

She told them her idea, and how it would work.

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Oliver pulled out his phone to text Nyssa. He clicked on her contact and wrote a message to her.


Nyssa, we have a plan. Come to the Star Labs warehouse tomorrow.

A few moments passed before his phone buzzed.


I'll be there.

Oliver turned to look at Sara, Laurel, and Felicity. He cleared his throat. "She's coming."

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Oh, yeah. I'm back into the groove! We only have three parts left! AAH! I'm so ready to write! I have a frickin' science test tomorrow, that I'm going to fail, probably.

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