Not Candy

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(This story includes dr_gs, puking, pills)
(By the way, I did tiny research what would happen if you take "these", so maybe whatever's happening here might be false..? I haven't taken "those" yet)

(Skid's POV)

Me and Pump were on our way to the mall, then we found this spooky hallway at the side of the mall!

"Hey Pump, let's go to this spooky hallway!"

Me and Pump went to the spooky hallway. It was a long hallway, but we did eventually get in the end! At the end, there was a bag, inside were plastic bags containing something white, probably some sugar, and some weird looking candy I've never seen before!

"Look Pump, there's candy in here!"
"But Skid, it's not ours. We can't steal the candy!"
"Oh yeah. Maybe we could replace candy with candy!"
"That's a great idea Skid! I'll go get candy! Be right back!"

Pump went to the candy store to get candies. I'm so excited what would these taste like!
Pump got back with 2 candies. He went to me and he replaced the 2 new candies with his.

We began to eat the candy...

"Eugh!" Me and Pump spat out the candy.
"It tastes so bad!" Pump says with a slightly mad face.
"Yeah! But, there's sugar here too Pump! Candy IS made out of sugar right?"
"Oh yeah! But we can just eat the sugar from your house though.."
"Well there's already sugar in here!"

We began to eat the sugar...

"Eugh!" Me and Pump spat out the sugar.
"Why are these candies so weird?" I say.
"Why is everything so.. bright?"
"I don't know Pump! But I can see so many colors..!"
"M-me too.. hehe~"

(30 minutes later)
(Roy's POV)

"Weird, we haven't seen those dumbs here yet. They're usually here at October." I say to my friends.
"Should we check where they are?" Robert asks me.
"Yeah sure."

We were just at the entrance at the mall, then we heard some weird giggling somewhere.

"What was that?" Ross asks.
"I think it's coming from over there.." I point over the side of the mall, leading to a hallway.

We went through the hallway and we see 2 people at the end. They're asleep at what looks like a bag. We got near and..

"No way. I-It's them!" I said.
"What are they doing here?!" Ross asks.

We went near and we saw that they had cocaine on the floor.

"Did they just took COCAINE?!" Robert said in shock.
"There's no way that they purposely took it. They're just kids! They don't know what they just did!" I exclaimed.
"What do we do now..?" Ross asked me.
"We should definetely clean up the drugs first. Then-"
"We leave them there. Everyone's going to have suspicious looks at us." I cut off Robert. They both nodded.

We cleaned up the drugs without consuming them. We hid them in the bag, then threw the bag at some trash can that's somwhat in here for some reason. We then left the losers at the hallway.

(Pump's POV)

I woke up next to Skid at the floor. I try and wake Skid up, but then I had the urge to puke, so I turned around and puke to not puke on Skid. I also can't balance myself. I don't know why these things are happening to me. I continued to try and wake up Skid, but he won't wake up. I panicked a little. But then I realized I could just carry him to his house. So, I carried Skid, but I tripped. I then just waited for Skid to wake up.

A few minutes passed and Skid's awake.

"Hey Skid, you alright?" I ask him. He just nods weakly. He then immediately turned around and puked. I feel like it's this weird sugar that made us feel like this.

"We shouldn't eat anything we think is candy. I don't really want this to happen again." I tell Skid. "Y-Yeah, I agree. How do we go back h-home though..?"
"Maybe we should rest a bit. I'm feeling a bit fine right now."


We went back to Skid's home. We acted like nothing happened. But, Skid's mom had suspicious looks at us. We try and tell her that we just went to the mall, and got some candy. Luckily, she believed it. Me and Skid hangout then it was time to go home. I said goodbye to Skid and went home.

I might want to try those weird substances again.

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