Chapter 20 - A Wet Raven

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There's a heaviness that stands behind you. So close that warm, soft breaths stir your hair as your heart pounds in your chest. The deafening beat of it is rivaled only by the rumbling thunder and howling winds outside. You will yourself to turn, but you can't. You're frozen in place too afraid to look over your shoulder - scared of what you may, or may not, find.

"Everyone out," Natasha snaps, standing from the couch.

"Oh, I don't think so," Tony growls, shooting off the couch and pushing up his sleeves and sending a murderous glare over your shoulder.

"Later," Nat says, grabbing Tony by the back of his shirt and giving him a hard yank back before shoving him toward the doorway. "Now isn't the time. Everyone OUT!"

But the Avengers don't move. Steve stands in place, glaring at the presence behind you, utter rage and shock on his face. Clint stares straight at you, confused. And Pepper is torn somewhere between anger, and relief.

"Now!" yells Natasha, giving Steve a push towards the hall.

The Avengers all rise and file past you quietly.

The last one to leave, Natasha stops and places a light hand on your shoulder, giving you a comforting squeeze before leaving with the rest.

And once again, it's quiet.

You're frozen in place, and you close your eyes. Waiting. After a quiet moment, you hear that familiar voice once more. But it's no longer the elegant, pompous and self-assured voice that you remember. It's quiet. Wavering. Broken.


Slowly, you turn. You let out a shaky breath as you see Loki's tired emerald eyes looking back at you, his raven locks wet against his neck from the rain.

"Loki," you say breathlessly as tears well up from inside your chest.

Loki takes two steps towards you, and slowly raises a single hand to your face, his fingertips tracing your cheekbones. His eyes search yours desperately, but you can't bare to see so much pain in them. You close your eyes and lean your cheek into Loki's touch.

You're afraid to move. Afraid to open your eyes. Afraid that if you do, he'll disappear.

"How?" you exhale, relishing the feeling of his fingers on your cheek. "How did you get here?"

Loki doesn't answer. Instead, his eyes simply fall down your body, and linger on your stomach. He lets out an exhale that staggers his whole body. But instead of coming closer, he shies away.

"I must go," he says in a pained whisper, pulling his hand away.

You inhale sharply as panic rips through your chest. "No," you whisper pleadingly, reaching out and grabbing his arm. Loki tries to shake your grip but his attempts are weak and half hearted. You cling tighter as tears fall from Loki's dark lashes. "No, please...not yet," you beg.

"I have to go. I'm not allowed to be here," he says weakly, once more pulling his arm from the weak grip you have on it.

Confused, heartbroken, you try speak. To call to him. To plead with him not to go and to ask him why he came. How he came.

But you can't. You're not strong enough.

So you say the only two words you seem to know.

"I'm sorry," you sob.

Loki glances at you over his shoulder, misery in his gaze.

"As am I, my love."

"I didn't want to hurt you," you say in a whimper.

Unbroken (Loki x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang