☾ twenty - one ☾

Start from the beginning

I let out another sigh as I tried to pull myself together.

'First, I need to take care of the more important problem.'

I ended up staying up all night brainstorming ideas, but couldn't think of any effective solutions.

'Ah, I have no idea what to do...'

In a state of great anxiety, I was letting out sighs of defeat when I heard the voice of my maid.

"Milady, it's Marilyn."

I got up from my bed and walked over to open the door, "Good morning."

"Good morning, milady. Ah..."

Marilyn looked surprised as she tried to say hello, and even stammered when she continued, "M-Milady, your complexion doesn't look too good. Are you feeling alright?"

'Hm? My complexion?'

I was confused for a moment but then recalled the fact that I had stayed up all night.

'Oh, right...I didn't get any sleep so I probably have severe dark circles.'

Not wanting my maid to worry needlessly, I spoke with a smile. "Yes, I'm fine."

Honestly I was disturbed about the matchmaking, but I made an effort to look unperturbed so that Marilyn wouldn't find any irregularities in my behavior.

'Speaking of which, when is father going to return? I hope it won't be any time soon...'

It'd be a big problem if my father returned before I'm able to prepare some kind of solution.

Just imagining it made me shiver as I spoke, "Hey, Marilyn. Was there any word about when Father would be returning?"

Marilyn flinched at my question and bowed her head deeply, "I don't think he'll be returning for at least another two days, milady."

I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

'Good, let's not be hasty. There's still some time.'

I allowed myself to relax a little, assured that I had some more time left.


These days the servants were extremely concerned over Juvellian's sudden change in behavior — living in seclusion in her room.

'The lady has become strange.'

Although Juvellian had always been someone who mainly stayed in her room, she still went about her business actively around the house.

Yet, in these past few days, she had refused to come out of her room and prohibited the servants from coming near it.

This behavior was definitely out of the ordinary.

The butler, who had been deep in worry, sighed.

'Yes...she's been like this ever since His Grace left for his training.'

It was already the fifth day since Duke Floyen had been away from the mansion, and his expected return was only getting further delayed.

All the servants of the mansion were walking on eggshells around Juvellian and talked carefully amongst themselves, worried that she may return to her old self.

'His Grace needs to hurry and return...'

The butler let out another sigh when Mrs Ferris, the head housekeeper, came to find him.

"Derrick, is His Grace still expected to return in two days?"

"Yes, that's right. But why do you ask...?"

"The truth is, Lady Juvellian's personal maid told me that she was being strange today," Mrs. Ferris sighed.

"The lady was being strange? What do you mean...?"

Mrs. Ferris looked at Derrick, whose eyes were shaking, and spoke, "She said that the lady's face was reduced to skin and bones when she asked her about the Duke's expected return."


The butler had no choice but to be alarmed.

Wasn't this similar to that day back then?

< Derrick, why isn't Father coming? >

His heart still ached whenever he recalled the image of a younger Juvellian with tearful purplish-blue eyes.

'He (Regis) shouldn't have done that back then.'

Feeling regret for the past, Derrick let out a deep sigh before responding.

"I'll inform His Grace immediately."

Mrs. Ferris nodded her head, letting out a sigh of her own. "Yes, please do."



As a breeze came in through a gap in the open windows, Marilyn stared at the figure of her master who was sighing while reading on the sofa.

Juvellian's face had lost most of its radiance, but it couldn't completely wash away her beauty.

'My lady, are you like that because you miss the Duke?'

The sight of her weary master was so pitiful that Marilyn spoke as carefully as she could.

"Milady, the weather is quite nice today."

"It seems so."

But her dull reply caused Marilyn to look at her with even more pity.

'That's right, this is the first time I've seen her look so lifeless.'

Marilyn had grown fond of Juvellian who had become much more friendlier recently.

But seeing her look so weak and worn out, Marilyn felt suffocated with worry.

'I want to help her in some way.'

She knew that it may have been a presumptuous thought and that Juvellian may even get angry, but Marilyn couldn't sit still just watching her master sitting there so listless.

"How do you feel about going on a walk, milady? I'm sure you'll feel better when you take a stroll under the warm sunlight."

At Marilyn's suggestion, Juvellian turned to stare at her maid.

It was a tranquil stare but it still made Marilyn nervous.

'Oh no, what should I do if she gets angry?'

Although she had spoken with courage just a moment ago, Marilyn was still afraid that Juvellian would get angry — her master was someone with a rather fickle personality after all.

She remained in that anxious state as Juvellian's red lips finally parted and broke the silence.


Marilyn was left dumbfounded at Juvellian's remark, agreeing to go out on a walk in the garden without any complaint.

'Huh? She agreed so easily..'

Then, Juvellian spoke again.

"I think it's because I've only been staying indoors, but I feel quite stuffy."

At the words that came out weakly, Marilyn suddenly recalled the image of a younger Juvellian.

< I hate being home. My father isn't even here...I'm all alone. >


[ note : young juvel looks so cute in the manhwa w her little bunny ]

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