"So you want us to die instead?" Jennie asked clearly frustrated.

"Do you even care about the others?! Or maybe....you only care about your girlfriend!" Jennie stated with full of frustrations.

"And also...that's not Rosé. She might be wearing the same clothes as hers but you could clearly see that it is not her body shape. Not even close," Jennie stated causing Jungkook to look at her.

"It's a trap, so that we would go to where her 'corpse' is, which I assumed is the basement," Yoongi followed.

"So get your shit together because whoever is inside this mansion with us is clearly here for a one goal to achieve. And that is to kill us," Yoongi said as he glances at everyone in the room.

"And that someone is not a person," Namjoon followed earning a nod from Yoongi.


"W-who was t-that??" Jisoo asked with fear visible in her eyes.

"B-behind y-you," Taehyung shakily pointed at the back of Jisoo, and there, a woman stood in her bloody white dress, smiling at them creepily.

"Run!!! Its here!!!" Jin screamed and with that, they all scattered away into different groups.

Jin, Hoseok and Jisoo ran at the right side of the mansion.

Namjoon, Yoongi and Jennie ran upstairs while Taehyung, Lisa, Jungkook and Jimin ran at the left side of the mansion.

12:26 am
(Jisoo, Jin and Hoseok)

They stopped running when no one seems to be following them already.

"This is bad...really really bad. We splitted up," Jisoo said while panting.

"I know," Jin said while he leans at the wall. They are currently stucked in a hallway full of different rooms.

They didn't even know this side of the house.

This looks like an abandoned dorm.

A screeching sound then came.

A screeching sound of heavy metals to be exact.

They all looked at each other with fears in their eyes.

The sounds of metal chains came louder and louder, and the next thing that they knew is that, they are now running into the doors of the room, trying to open each one of them.

Hoseok managed to open the door on his left but Jin and Jisoo is nowhere to be seen anymore, so in an instinct, he went inside the room and locked the door.

The room is dark.

There is a couch in the middle of the room and a television in front.

He walks slowly inside the room as he examines the place.

Why does this place looks so old and rusty? Compare to the other side of the mansion, this one is far from renovated.

Something then caught the corner of his eyes.

Right in the middle of the room, is his camera, pointing at him.

He was about to take it when it suddenly clicked, causing the camera to flash a light indicating that it took a picture if him.

He was beyond scared that's why with all his might, he walked fast towards the camera to take it but as he was walking towards it, the camera just keeps on flashing.

Finally, he finally got his camera.

He then examined the pictures that was taken in the camera.

What is this?

He then played the sequence of the pictures, creating a stop motion out from it, and there he saw, a girl in her white dress hugging him from behind.

Then the pictures of him and his friends were displayed in the camera, and there he saw, the ghost at the very back of the picture, glaring at the camera.

The picture of the mansion were displayed next. The girl is also there, standing at the very top of the window in the house.

He looked at all the pictures that he took in the mansion and every single photos have the girl in it.

With fear eating him, he threw the camera and he started to walk back slowly but a tight grip hugging him suddenly appeared.

He just stood there frozen as he saw the arms that is wrapped around him.

It is clean as white with black veins on it. The nails are not even there.

He can't find his voice to scream. He just stood there, letting the unknown girl hug him.

The hug keeps on getting tighter and tighter.

The camera in front is flashing a small red light indicating that it is filming.

"Wanna know me?" The unknown girl with white eyes asked. She then tighten the grip more earning a hiss from Hoseok.

And in one snap, the bones of Hoseok on the stomach part created a cracking sound. He looked at the camera wide eyes with blood oozing out if his mouth.

His rib cage broke because of the tight hug, making it the cause of his death.

Everything that happened was filmed. It is all caught on camera.

His death was caught in his camera.

The most precious thing in his life.

"I am your 12th friend," the unknown girl whispered as she lets go of Hoseok's corpse, eyes open.

She then took a final look in the camera.

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Do you want me to visit you my dear reader?


A/N: Hi guys👋 Are you guys okay??

Still breathing???

Does my story bores you???

Love you guys so so much💜 Stay positive✨ Byeee👋

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