"Cheers boys." She scoffed raising her now empty drink up before she walked away. Klaus's expression went cold— of course he enjoyed playing games with her but he didn't like it when she played back.

"I believe you've met your match Niklaus." Elijah smirked. "She's got fire."

Elijah stepped away from his brother— leaving him there to be bitter on his own. He wanted to talk to Adeline, the last time they spoke he had betrayed her and her friends.

"Adeline!" Elijah called after her.

"I'm sorry about that Elijah." She apologized, assuming he was coming to talk to her about what had just unfolded between her and his brother.

"Oh no — don't worry about that. Niklaus is just being stubborn." He assured her. "I wanted to talk to you actually."

"Okay, what's up?" She questioned.

She wasn't mad at the original for what he did. Sure— she was at first. But a part of her always understood why he did it. He wanted his family, he had been alone for so long.

"I never apologized— for not holding up my end of the deal." He admitted. "I broke my word and that is something I feel shame for."

"I understand why you did it Elijah." Adeline breathed, giving the original a small understanding smile. "It was for family."

Once again, Adelines kindness was overwhelming and shocking. Her heart was probably four sizes larger than anyone else's— Elijah was sure of that. He had come across plenty of people in life, nice people, mean people— all different kinds but Adeline was special. He knew if anyone could help save Klaus's soul, it would be her.

"I appreciate it that." He smiled. "That's not all I wanted to say though— I wondered if I could ask you to have patience with Niklaus. Don't give up on him so easily."

"I'm not sure what your talking about." she shrugged, but wouldn't make eye contact with him. A part of her knew what he meant, she just wouldn't admit that. She knew there was something between the pair.

"He cares for you— and I haven't seen him care about a women, I mean truly care ever." Elijah watched the girl, studying her reaction to his words.

"He's killed or tried to kill so many people I love." She started.

"I know he isn't without his flaws." He admitted.

"And tonight he didn't do what he did to save me— he did it to save himself from Mikael." She huffed.

"That is not the case at all— and I think if you were being honest with yourself you would see that." Elijah pointed out.

There was truth behind his words and Adeline knew that. She saw the look on Klaus's face when Mikael held the stake to her neck, there was rage and concern— he was scared.

"Please just — keep what I've said in mind." He urged the girl.

"I'll try." She smiled, taking another drink of the alcohol in her hand.

Elijah stared at her with a concerned expression. He was old school— he didn't often, if ever drink in excess. People like him didn't drink to get drunk, they drank for the taste. Adeline couldn't understand that, she hated the taste of her drink but she wanted to take the edge off— to relax.

"One more question—" Elijah blurted. "How is it Mikael acquired you? Did your friends give you up to him?"

"No."  She answered quickly and honestly. "It was Katherine."

"Katerina.... I see." He thought. "And where is she now?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." Adeline scoffed.

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