2.❝that's kinda pervy ❞

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As soon as I took my first sip of the milky beverage, I realized that a cup of coffee wasn't going to change anything.
Although that, I had to admit, that the bittersweet drink danced on my taste buds. I couldn't believe I had stayed away from coffee all this years.

"Luca how is it?" Mrs.Quintana asked from behind the counter.

In reply I took another long sip of the cup and groaned.

She smiled.
"I'm glad you like it,"

"Don't sell yourself short, Ciara. I love it,"

I downed the cup of coffee soon enough and asked Ciara for another one.
She gave me an odd look but didn't comment on it.

I was fairly disappointed that my life changing experience wasn't drinking coffee but at the same time I was relieved. I mean, there was no way I could write pages on drinking coffee.

"Ciara, tell me about an experience that changed your life," I asked abandoning my table and leaning over the counter.

She looked up at me from, washing the mugs.

"Hmm, that's an odd question," she stared at me, like she was trying to figure me out.

"Yeah, I know," I shrugged.

"I like to think that anything and everything that happens to me is life changing. My life has changed so much through these years and I don't have one particular event to point at,"

"I wish I could think like you," I blurted out.

She smiled at me again, the corners of her eyes crinkling.

"Luca, you have to let it happen. Don't pull back. Take risks. The coffee was definitely step 1,"

I don't know how Ciara has this effect on me.
She was just really warm and easy to talk to and sometimes I found myself wishing that I was part of her family, part of her happiness.
I didn't even care if that meant that I'll have to be a part of this lousy coffee shop.

Just as I was heading out, the twins walked in.

"Hey Luca," 16 year old Valrez ,greeted me.

His sister,Vera,however just flicked her, dark locks over her shoulder and thumbed away at her phone.

Ah, teenagers.

"Hey man," I waved.

"You're leaving? Ah, c'mon stay. I need a man to man talk," he leaned in closer to whisper.
"About girls,"

I let out an awkward chuckle and ruffled his hair, which he quickly combed back, shooting me an annoyed look.

"Next time, perhaps,"
At this Vera snorted.

I hurriedly walked out through the doors before I get forced into dealing with Valrez's 'girl' problems.


By the time, I reached home; it was already 5 in the evening.
The front door was unlocked, just as how I had left it.

That was weird, I thought to myself.
Mum always locks the door when she leaves for work.

"Maa?" I called just in case, she was back early.

When I got no response I quickly made my way upstairs.

The door to her study was wide open and my mum was knocked out in her chair.

"Maa," I groaned walking over to her.

Her computer screen was dark, but the beeping light indicated that the machine was still switched on.
Mum had her face pressed on the desk, her mouth slightly open.

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