The Nightmare Relives

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Hello guys! I'm back here with another chapter for y'all, now last chapter was a sad moment. But now your thinking, how is her dad dead in that past memory but not dead now and is a monk. Well your about to find out what his capabilities are in this chapter, well only partial. Now I'll meet y'all at the bottom! This chapter will get more mature as you read on, so if you don't want to witness cursing then skip or ignored that. But this chapter is a bit crazy and gets chaotic out of nowhere.
Monk's Monastery
12:30 p.m.

(Lappland's POV)

As the foot steps got more closer and closer. I started to panic a bit inside without no clue on what is coming. But managed to keep my breathing down and quiet enough so the approaching person couldn't hear me.

"Lolf, do you know who this is approaching?" I asked.

"No, surprisingly this person knows how to concealed they're identity almost as if they wasn't even a living being, but I went unconscious with you so I had no idea who or what happen." Lolf informed.

"Here it comes." I said as I ready myself holding my katanas tighter and launch an attack, keeping the unknown threat away from me and Red.

The next thing you know, the foot steps stopped at the door as the door slowly opened. As soon as the door opened all the way, I lunged forth as soon I saw a tiny bit of his feet stepped in.


"Lappland, what are you doing?" The monk questioned, as he blocked Lappland's duel katanas with his spear that just magically appeared in between them.

"What the fuck!?" I said confused by his spear appearing like the monk was some kind of sorcerer and sprang back after the collision happened.

"Please watch your profanity Lappland." The monk said as he held his spear into battle stance welding his spear behind his back.

"Who the fuck you talking too!? You ain't someone I know, you random monk!" I replied not too loudly making sure Red doesn't get disturbed during her beauty sleep, but showed that I wasn't happy.

"Now now, you must know that I took care of you while you was unconscious. Red explained to me everything that happened." The monk explained as he waited for me to make another move again.

All of a suddenly I started to feel dizzy. I stabbed the ground with one of my katanas to keep me up like a crane, but I started to lose my hearing and sense of my surroundings. Then a voice entered into my head.

"Lappland, it's time. Become one with me again." A familiar voice called me.

"Don't listen to him Lappland, and watch out! The monk is charging!" Lolf shouted.

"M-my head, L-Lolf, please f-forgive me." I said in my head as my telepathic voice started to fade out.

"Yes Lappland, let my aura consume you." The voice happily cheered.

"Lappland! Don't listen to him! And watch out!" Lolf shouted but his voice was drowning out, then he was completely cut out before finishing his last word.


"How did you block with only one arm!?" The monk questioned calmly, and this time the monk moved back doing a backflip after colliding.

"Hah, haha, hahaha," I giggled,"Is something wrong?" I said looking up with wide bloodshot eyes thirsting for a good bloody fight.

"What have you done this time Basher?" The monk said to me.

"Who's Basher? Wait, oh! You're talking about his power inside of me? Well I think he'll be pleased after you die. After all, there are still some survivors that are still alive from the incident a few years ago." I said laughing like a psychopath as my arms began to turn dark black.

"I'll purged that lingering spirit of Basher from you Lappland, because that is not power, but dark origium from before." The monk explained.

"Heh, dark origium? That's actually a pretty good name." I agreed with his explanation of what kind of power I was using, as my whole body started turning into more dark blackness.

"Come at me if your not at all terrified to be purged." The monk commented.

"Oh, so you're saying I'm terrified of some little magic? Or is that the power of ordinary origium?" I laughed at him lunging forward this time with extreme speed with my face half covered while the rest of my body is covered in darkness.

"Follow me outside will you?" The monk said as he jumped out of the open window that I didn't noticed.

"Why not? Makes my job easier so I don't have to drag your dead body outside. Hahaha!" I laughed and my face completely turned covered with a mask of darkness.

POV changing
The Monastery's Lake Garden
12:40 p.m.

(Third POV)

"We're outside now at a lake now? What's this, so we gonna splash each other with water now? Ahhh, I'm so scared of water." Lappland mocked.

"Come on and charge at me you bitch." The monk said surprising Lappland by his use of profanity.

"So you finally let it out because your not in your little monastery now hm? What happened to your whole entire thing about, watch your profanity?" Lappland laughed springing forward.


"You blocked me again the same way heh." I snickered as I use my forward momentum flip over the monk to attack from behind.


"That was a bit unexpected, but you ain't getting rid of me that easily." The monk said as he blocked my attack turning around getting on his knees to block my attack from behind.

"Same goes here." Lappland said using the block again to spring her away again landing on a rock doing a front flip over the monk again.


"You got here pretty quickly not gonna lie." Lappland said blocking a surprise attack from behind, as she grew more and more excited in the heat of battle.

"Focus on the fight you dumb ass." The monk said swinging the bottom of his spear down and swing around the spear and kick Lappland in the jaw knocking her sideways, but Lappland recovered quickly from the blow.

"That was pretty good." Lappland said spitting blood out onto the rock leaving a mark.

"Your gonna regret ever leaving a mark on that rock." The monk said annoyed.

"What are you gonna do with a spear and some tiny simple magic? Hahaha!" Lappland mocked.

"You'll see you damn bitch." The monk said.

"Come at me then egg head." Lappland roasted as they both ready they're weapons for a all out continuous assault.
So I guess we're down here now. And I've finally posted something! Yes! But sadly it's a chapter that I wasn't expecting to do. I was planning on posting the new UnOrdinary book that I've been working. But you know, I wanna wait a little longer but also schools been a pain because the homework and studying for this last few weeks of school for the  final exams and state tests are about to hit on me. Alright hope y'all enjoyed this while your author is off yet again! Bye byeeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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