Zayn pulled away and looked down at Liam's stomach, grimacing when he saw the scar (luckily Liam didn't see though). He stopped Liam's hands that were still shaking, constantly like they always do, and it bothered Zayn, but he didn't say anything. "Actually, I'm not in the mood Li. . .I need to tell you something."

Liam blinked a few times and swallowed thickly before he buttoned his shirt back up, feeling embarrassed that he was really hard from what they just did. "Okay Zayn. . .what is it?" He asked placing his hands over his crotch to hide the obvious boner.

He brushed Liam's fringe out of his eyes and chewed his bottom lip, "I think I found him Li. He's really cool, and his name is Louis. We met at the park a few weeks ago while I was running and ever since then we've been jogging together, and he asked me to go on a date. I already told him about you and how I practice plural marriage, and he's cool with it! So uhmm. . .I was thinking you could meet him."

Liam looked down at his lap and balled his hands together, trying to get them to stop shaking for just a damn minute, but it didn't work. He looked up at Zayn and saw how his eyes were sparkling with happiness, he hadn't seen that look in so long. A lump formed in his throat and he gave his husband a kiss on the cheek, "Anything for you Zee," he gave Zayn a tight smile.

Zayn's eyes lit up even more (if possible) and he threw his arms around Liam and placed wet kisses on his cheek, cupping his face, "You're the best babe! I promise you'll love him!" He stood up from the couch and pulled his phone out of his pocket, "I gotta call and tell him! I'll be back in a minute so we can watch the movie."

Liam was smiling on the outside, but on the inside his heart hurt. The couple haven't had sex in ages, and every time they do try stuff, Zayn always backs out and says 'I'm not in the mood,' or 'Another time babe.' And it hurts Liam more than he can describe, he knows it's his fault. Zayn just doesn't find him attractive anymore, now that he's older and not as good looking as he was when he was sixteen. He may not be as slim or built, in fact, he may be chubby and have laugh lines, but he loves Zayn so much.

When a minute turned into and hour, Liam got off the couch and drug himself into their shared room. He frowned when he heard Zayn laughing and giving the lad on the other line compliments. The insecure man wrapped his arms around himself and walked over to the bed sitting on the edge of it, he looked over at the picture of Zayn and him on the night stand and smiled. That's the only thing he needed to know that Zayn loves him.


When they arrived at the café they were meeting Louis at, Zayn immediately ran in when he saw the man sitting at the booth, leaving Liam behind.

Liam watched as the two hugged each other tightly, and as Zayn's hands clutched Louis' butt. He tried to forget that though. He walked into the café shortly after Zayn and walked to the booth they were at, "I'm Liam," he said quietly, offering his shaky hand to Louis.

Louis looked at Liam and bit his lip, "So you're Liam? You're not how Zayn described you. . .but that's alright! I just have a sexy imagination, I pictured you being big and buff.." He said taking Liam's hand and giving it a quick shake.

Liam swallowed thickly and took a seat across from the two. He sat his hands on the table and played with his fingers, "So..uh...Zayn did tell you that we are married and stuff...and all the rules and stuff.." He spoke nervously, keeping his gaze on the table.

"Yeah, he told me all that stuff! Trust me I won't steal your husband away," Louis spoke jokingly and placed a kiss on Zayn's cheek.

Zayn blushed and wrapped his arm around Louis waist pulling him closer, "Isn't he hot Li? Look at these blue eyes, so beautiful.." He spoke happily as he gave Louis a quick peck on the lips.

Liam tensed up, but nodded, "Yeah, blue.." He said clasping his hands together. He was feeling a little hurt by this, but this is what Zayn needed to be completely happy, so Liam would tolerate it. He just wished Zayn didn't choose someone so much more attractive and thin, or some one who had a plump ass and thighs that you could grab.

"Why are you so fidgety Liam?"

"Hmm?" Liam asked glancing up at Louis who asked the question.

"Your hands. Why ar-"

"How about we order our drinks and then we can go to the park yeah?" Zayn said giving a nervous chuckle and a small smile to Liam.

Liam offered it back, but it was even smaller than Zayn's. He couldn't describe how bad his heart was hurting, he just figured that this would pass. He just needed time to get used to it.

Liam would do anything to make Zayn happy. But would Zayn?

My Husbands Boyfriend -Zouiam AU-Where stories live. Discover now