4. Bonfire

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Aiden's POV:

When she took off her helmet, I felt like an idiot. This was the girl that bumped into me this morning, I had just figured she was someone's sister. I never expected she was a racer. I must have stared at her for a minute or two because she just started laughing.

"Are you ok?" She said and I snapped out of it.

"Yeah, it's just that your-your a girl."

"Yeah do you have a problem with that? Does it hurt your ego that a girl is almost as good of a racer as you are?" Oof she has an attitude. But I kind of liked it.

"No, no, no. I just did not expect you to be a girl." She rolled her eyes at me and crossed her arms.

I definitely did not have a problem with girls racing, I just really did not expect her to be a girl, I mean I've seen her younger brother race her before but I never realized she rode.

Most girls race the women's class because it's less competitive and has less people. When they do race with us they tend to stay back away from the pack a little, I don't blame them, most of the boys can be a little aggressive when racing. Plus she said it was her first race and she was really good, with a bit of practice she could easily beat me.

"Ok. Well you did well too i guess. Is that all you came here to tell me?"

"Uh ya." I start walking away when I turn back around.

"Wait. Me and my friends are having a bonfire tonight. You can come if you want and bring your friends."

Since it was a long weekend, most people were staying the night for extra practice tomorrow. And they had fireworks tonight, so we were having our yearly bonfire. I decided to invite her because if she was going to be racing with us and competing with me for first, I might as well get to know her. Plus I knew some of the other racers wouldn't be as accepting of a girl racing with us. Just as she opens her mouth to say something, two boys walk up next to her, and one puts his arm around her.

"Is he bothering you?" The other one says, I noticed he had the same name on his back. He must be her brother.

"No, he was just inviting us to a bonfire tonight."

"Oh ok. Well let's go." The one on her right says, while staring at me.

It gave me the shivers. She pushes the kids arm off from around her and at that point both boys were staring at me.

"Well then we'll go." She says sticking her hand out. "I'm Sophia." I shake it.

"I'm Aiden." She nods.

"This is Wyatt, my younger brother." She points to the one on the left. "And that is Justin, his best friend. He's like my second brother." I nod and swallow, they were really starting to freak me out. She leans closer and whispers. "Sorry about them. They are just a little overprotective of me." I let out a laugh.

"Ok well see you later then." I turn around and start walking back to my camper. She waves.


"Calm down guys. She's actually really cool."

"Yeah right, she's a girl who races. She probably just thinks you're cute or something."

"Alright enough of you two fighting. Tyler give her a chance." Kaiden says. And thank the lord he does because Tyler would have never stopped arguing with me if he hadn't said anything.

So telling the crew that I invited Sophia to our annual bonfire didn't go over so well with some of them. Kaiden was fine with it because he's a chill person like that. But Tyler and Mark didn't take it so well. They can be bad sports sometimes especially when its someones first time racing and they beat them. 

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