3: The Velvet Room

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"Igor...?" Muttered Keiji, shocked.

"It seems you know who I am." Igor responded. "Then you know about the game."

Keiji just dumbly nodded.

"Very interesting. This shouldn't be possible, but it is." Igor stated.

"You know..?" Asked Keiji.

"I do, trickster from another world. It is quite surprising." Igor said. "And while you're reincarnation is shocking, that is not what I mean."

"What do you mean?" Asked Keiji.

"Two tricksers in one time. It is incredibly shocking, and yet it has happened." Igor stated.

"I'm...a trickster...?" Muttered Keiji, confused.

"Yes, you are." Confirmed Igor. "And just like the other trickster, you have been chained. Do you see this room? How it looks like a prison?"

"I do." Replied Keiji. "But why...?"

"The game is rigged. I'm sure you know that. But this world is fated to lose. This world doesn't have the good end, should you call it. That is why he gave you this chance. But by doing so, you have also become a prisoner." Igor explained.

"Okay. But...how am I talking...to you?" Asked Keiji.

"I believe because the other side does not know of your presence, they are not overseeing you. Instead, your velvet room was at my prison." Igor explained.

"I see." Responded Keiji.

"I need your help." Stated Igor.

"Huh?" Asked Keiji.

"I need your help." Igor stated again. "This world is fated to die, even with the trickster. But with a second trickster, we have a new chance."

"I need you to support the other trickster, but staying hidden. You cannot join the other trickster. That will cause the other side to know how you are. At most, you must wear a disguise." Continued Igor.

"Create bonds, and support the other trickster, and we may have a chance. The path to rehabilitation has just started." Igor said.

"This...is a lot..." muttered Keiji, shocked.

Igor chuckled. "Yes, it is." He replied. "But I have complete faith in you, trickster from another world."

Keiji felt his eyes getting heavy, as a wave of sleep washed over him. Closing his eyes, he reopened them to see it was morning. He rubbed his eyes, yawning as he sat up. Was that real? It had to be. He was in the Persona world after all...

Fool Confidant: Level One

. . .

Keiji yawned, slamming his head against his desk. "You alright?" Ryuji asked, turning around.

"I just had a strange dream." Replied Keiji. "I feel like I've barely gotten any sleep despite being asleep for the whole night."

"Ah, that sucks." Replied Ryuji. "I get what you mean though. It doesn't even feel like your asleep, almost as if you were in another world."

"Yeah, like that." Keiji agreed.

The teacher walked in, causing the chatter to end. "Alright. It's time for class." She said.

"We are starting a new project today, so make sure to get into pairs." Said the teacher.

Ryuji looked back. "Wanna partner?" He asked.

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