Chapter 13: Bring down the Curtain

Start from the beginning

Renee: Thanks.

Lynn (Fourarms): Don't mention it.

Leni (Cannonbolt), Lucy (Ghostfreak), Rocky, Haiku, Giggles, Polly Pain, Benny and Francisco appeared to help out Group 1 fight off the infected.

Lori (Fourarms): Lynn, guys!

Lynn (Fourarms): Hope we didn't miss the party here!

Lincoln (Humungousaur): (rips the slime off his eyes) Phew... nope, you're just in time! (Punches away a Zombozo infected alien wildmutt)

Polly Pain: Talk about a clown-i-fied alien army!

Lana (Armodrillo): Tell me about it!

Benny: Well we're here to back you guys up.

Lola (Diamondhead): Let's show these clown-i-fied aliens why you don't mess with us!

???: We couldn't agree more!

The others turn to see Luan (Eyeguy), Luna (Ultimate Echo Echo), who was carrying Blitzwolfer Mazzy, Becky, Clyde, Sam, Tabby and Maggie came in to help.

Luan (Eyeguy): Watch out! (Shoots a clown-i-fied Jetray alien behind giggles with a beam from her eye) Saw that coming from a mile away, Hahaha! Get it?

Giggles: Thanks!

Lincoln (Humungousaur) knocks away a few Zombozo infected Ditto aliens with his tail before nailing an uppercut to a Zombozo infected Fourarms alien and shoulder tackles two Zombozo infected Armodrillos away.

Lincoln (Humungousaur): Hey, I don't see Lisa or Darcy! And who's that you're carrying?!

Luna (Ultimate Echo Echo): Lisa stayed behind to treat that Frightwig chick and Darcy wanted to keep Lisa company. Also, it's Mazzy, she's one of our bandmates that got corrupted too.

Lincoln (Humungousaur): Okay and what about Ben?

Lori (Fourarms): He was here a moment ago!

Lucy (Ghostfreak): (appeared out of nowhere) Sigh... he's on the roof of the mall, fighting Zombozo.

Lincoln (Humungousaur) & Lori (Fourarms): Ah! Lucy, don't do that!

Lucy (Ghostfreak): Sigh... The habit never dies. (Disappeared again).


On the rooftop of the mall, we see Rath fighting Zombozo himself as the tiger alien was delivering swift jabs to Zombozo, who was evading them as one of the tentacles grabs rath's right arm and spins him around a couple of times before slamming him into the ground 5 times and throwing him a few feet away from him.

Zombozo fires a dark blue energy beam from his hands at Rath, who dodges the attack as he runs at the Ghostfreak-i-fied Clown monster, Zombozo continues to fire at Rath, who dodges the beams.


Rath hits a devastating dropkick to Zombozo.

Zombozo: Guh!


Rath dodges a hit from Zombozo and got behind, caught both hands and connects the suplex. Zombozo slowly got up and growled, taking out several spray bottles of acid with his tentacles and fires at Rath, who dodges it as the floor was getting eaten by the acid.

Zombozo: Go ahead, run and dance for me, Hahahahaha!

Rath was running around to avoid the acid attacks as he made a beeline for Zombozo.



Rath was hit in the head by a large mallet from Zombozo.

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