Day One: The Outbreak

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Fourteen year old Shane Liles hides under her desk as the ground shook.

The school went into a lock-down drill called Safety-In-Place. The door and windows was locked and the blinds were down.

The teacher told the class to keep calm, but the class turned into total chaos when they heard a loud BOOM and the ground started to shake.

The lights go off and the ground shakes again. Books fall off the shelf onto Shane's desk and the blinds flap around.

That's when a guy unlocks and opens the door, screaming as he runs out. The class following him.


Shane runs out of the school with the six hundred other kids. Some are still screaming, making her slightly irritated, and the older high schoolers are driving their cars as fast as they can, trying to get home to see their family.

Outside is in total chaos. Fires burn across the city, people are running and diving, police sirens ring in the distance.

Shane runs to the closest car, a vacant blue Rendevous, and luckily finds the keys laying on the ground.

Not questioning why there was blood on the window, she starts the car and drives through people.

The car reaches 90 miles per hour when she gets on the highway. She knows where she's going. She just hopes she can get there on time.

Driving on the grass around the stalled and vacant cars along the highway, she hits a man covered in blood and foam spilling from his mouth.

Shane doesn't care. She just worried about getting to where she's going: her Nana Sammi's house. Her nana would know what to do and what's going on.

After around twenty minutes, she finally reaches the exit and takes a fast right.

Another five to ten minutes pass and Shane finally gets there.

More of the people with blood all over and foam in their mouths surround the area.

Shane turns off the car and shuts the door.

Hoping to get a fast answer, she presses her signature ring from the doorbell.

She turns around to see the people coming up to her.

"Hurry up, Nana, please hurry!" Shane yells in her head.

The door opens only for a millisecond when Shane gets pulled inside.

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