"Your lucky Izuku just saved your life," (y/n) grumbled and put her hand back down and around the back of the couch.

"He didn't save my life," he grumbled back like a little baby.

"Believe it because he did," (y/n) smirked as Katsuki shrunk back and rolled his eyes.

"Hey guys," Izuku said as he opened the bedroom door and sat his police hat down and on a hook and took off his coat.

"Hey Izu!" (y/n) called out to her brother who sat down on one of the chairs relaxing his sore muscles. "Shinso, if you get bored with your games and the lack of the other idiots, you can come and hangout over here."

The man smiled and nodded her head as a thank you. Even if Bakugou was left to mumble profanities under his breath.


(y/n) sat on the couch laying her head into Katsuki's lap as he read up on a recipe he wanted to try. His hands combed through her hair leaving her to slowly fall asleep as she watched the one of the Marvel movies that were on at the moment.

"How does this look," Izuku came out of his room in a fancy sweater that looked real nerdy and weak for a date.

"Oh izuku," (y/n) laughed as his brother slouched his shoulder exhausted with having to pick out an outfit for date number two. 

"I always knew you were a nerd," Katsuki looked up and rolled his eyes.

"What should I wear then?" Izuku asked down in the dumps that everything he bought wasn't good enough for the two.

"When's the date?" (y/n) asked, pausing her movie right when Captain America came up on the screen.

"In two days," Izuku said, tossing the bowtie to the side.

"Shopping?" (y/n) asked the boys. Izuku seemed to like the idea since he vigorously nodded his head, while Bakugou seemed to slouch farther into his seat.

Well that was a no from him.

"Okay I'll ask Shinso if he wants to!" (y/n) quickly got up only to be pulled back down into the boy's grasp.

"He clearly likes to play with you, that's not happening." Katsuki said as he put his phone down and tossed it onto her back. "I'll pick out a guy you can have a crush on."

"Katsuki, he is a friend and we need to welcome him if he lives with the boys now." she rolled her eyes and got up anyway. "Now stop jumping to conclusions, he is definitely not my type."

"He is clearly your type," Bakugou muttered as he picked up his keys and grabbed his coat.

"Are we sure you guys aren't the siblings? I don't think (y/n) and I are related at all anymore." Izuku questioned as he came back out in a new change of clothes.

"Oh don't be a full Izuku, we're related by blood, he is related to us because he's a close friend." she giggled and tossed on her converse and grabbed her jacket from off of the hook Katsuki Just nailed up. "Now hurry up."

"Yes little sis," he said grabbing his coat and rushing out of the apartment. (y/n) stuck a sticky note on the door if any of the other boys needed them they would then know where the three of them disappeared at.

"So this date, who's it with?" Katsuki asked, standing taller than the two siblings. (y/n) ran her finger over the sticky note as she stuck it to the smooth door.

"Why do you need to know so bad?" Izuku asked blushing at the fact that Katsuki has been hitting hard with this question almost as much as his sister when it was just the two of them in private.

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