"Yeah, house elves are like that."

Leah led the way stepping into the kitchen and making for the table to sit by Seth. Hari stepped in and looked over at Nessie to see if she was mad at her. The girl was looking pale with Jacob silent and brooding at her side.

Hari sighed as she crossed the room to sit beside Sirius.

Sirius leaned over and one arm hugged her. "Hello, pup."

"Hi, Padfoot. Are we looking at more estates today?"

"Yep. Esme and the realtor put their heads together and picked five more to drag us poor males through."

Esme just smirked. "You want to continue to eat my excellent meals you have to help me find a new home."

"We are definitely house hunting today." Sirius and Remus both muttered as they dug into French toast stuffed with strawberries and cream."

"Nessie?" Hari said deciding she didn't want this huge elephant in the room all day.

"He had no right to hurt Jacob like that." Nessie snapped.

"Perhaps not." Hari admitted. "He is a Dark Lord though. Think Alpha of nearly all dark wizards in Britain. Think coven leader of all vampires in Britain to put it in terms you might understand. If it had been during his first rise to power, he would have killed him without remorse for the disrespect Jacob showed him when he hit him. As it stands," she continued firmly with a glare at Jacob who had started to open his mouth, "Jacob was being rude and disrespectful to everyone in the house. He uses his position, his height and his temper to try and intimidate everyone and to get away with being an arse. Sooner or later someone was going to take offense and teach him some manners. You know his behavior is not acceptable."

Jacob glowered at her.

"I know." Nessie whispered.

"Do you want to spend you life placating a violent, hot tempered mate? Worry he'll lose it one day and scar you like Uley scarred his imprint?"

"I'd never!" Jacob exploded jerking to his feet only to have three wands point at him and the vampires attention shift pointedly to him.

Nessie glowered at Hari hating anyone saying something like that about Jacob. "He wouldn't hurt me."

"Perhaps. I know your parents would rip him apart if he did. Question is who might he hurt? When his possessiveness gets out of control? How isolated are you willing to let him make you? First its me then its another friend he doesn't like then perhaps he's jealous of all males talking to you. How far will you let it go?"

Nessie was staring at her wide eyed. He gaze shifted to Jacob. He was furious and barely able to restrain himself from attacking Hari. Nessie could tell it. "You're right," she muttered. "The more I excuse him the worse he gets."

"Renesmee," Jacob growled staring at her with a wounded expression.

"She's right and you know it." Carlisle said firmly. "You need to look for a different role model than Sam Uley. He does not handle leadership well either. There is more to being in charge than giving orders and crushing the spirit of those beneath you, Jacob. Your current methods will only make those in your pack fear and resent you."

"Tell you what. You want to see power and leadership. The next large meeting Tom has with his followers I'll invite you all over. You can stay in the shadows if you wish so no one sees you there. You can watch him be something other than my boyfriend."

"That might be a good suggestion." Esme spoke up calmly.

Hari focused on Nessie. "Are we still friends?"

Potter in ForksTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon