"You're french?" He asks in shock.

Is everyone that can say two french words french? No. I thought this man was smart.

"I can speak it but I'm not french, my grandmother was." I tell him.

French is a beautiful language, I always think it's so elegant and pretty in comparison to the likes of German which I think sounds quite aggressive. The culture in Germany is so fascinating though, I remember visiting Frankfurt as a child at Christmas. It was amazing.

Knowing french and how to play piano are the only two things that make me feel like I'm somewhat interesting and that's for my own sake. When I'm bored I can play piano or watch french television to remind me of my grandmother, it's nostalgic.

All I'm thinking right now is please don't ask me to say something french, that's what everyone says when they find out someone can speak a foreign language.

"Tell me something in french." He exclaims, a little too excited over the matter.

Of course.

Mr 'I'm such a cool and intimidating gang leader' Styles is excited over a person speaking french and playing piano. This man surprises me everyday.

"Je pense que tu es un connard et tu es très déroutant?" I smirk, being sure to make it sound as french as I could for my own amusement.

He's looking at me like I've just read the whole bible backwards in a different language, what I actually said is much different.

"Harlow Dean did you just flirt with me in french?" He exclaims through a smirk.

And this is why I love being able to speak another language. Me flirting with Harry? Not in his wildest dreams... okay maybe but only to wind him up when I'm in the club. What I just said was far from flirting, he just thinks everyone's in love with him.

"I think you are an asshole and you're very confusing." I say, giving a sarcastic smile and instantly turning to play piano to distract myself from the fact I just said that.

I can't see his face because I'm trying to keep my eyes off him and on the keys, however I just know he's acting like those words slapped him in the face. I didn't lie, he's an asshole and confusing as fuck. One minute he hates me and accuses me of wanting to get in his pants, then he's begging me to play him a song on the piano. He's a strange man.

I saw willow hop into Harry's lap whilst I was playing and I've never felt more betrayed. He's a stranger, and a mean one too. She should be biting and scratching him, not cuddling into him. I hope he's allergic, maybe that's why she's all over him, I hope that's why.

I didn't play the whole piece because him staring at me was getting uncomfortable, very uncomfortable. He has such beady eyes, it feels like they're burning two holes in the side of my face.

Once I stop he claps his hands slowly, looking at me impressed. I played piano, not solve world hunger.

"That's really cool birdy, you do that in your free time?" He asks.

"Yeah, what'd you do besides break the law?"

I'm not even sure if I want to know the answer. I mean from what I've gathered so far, he doesn't have the best hobbies or coping mechanisms. I suppose everyone has their own ways of coping with what's going on in their heads and I'm sure everyone has that one thing they do that isn't healthy at all. It's why I don't judge people who do drugs or obsessively drink alcohol as a way of coping, those two activities are frowned upon but people who use other unhealthy coping mechanisms are given help rather than a look of disgust. It's pretty fucked up, it shouldn't be like that.

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