The Stupid Butterflies

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"Arthur Brode" Spencer caught his attention

"FBI" you held up your credentials "Your mother told us we would find you here"

"What's the problem I'm minding my own business" he snapped at you

"You minding your business or theirs" Spencer turned his head a bit to signal he was talking about the girls, he pushed his suit back and put his hands into his pockets.

You took the book out of his hands and laughed "Assembly and maintenance of your corvell 350 vacuum cleaner" you read aloud "Come on Brodie if you want to pretend to read then you have to do better than that"

"That your white van parked over there" Spencer asked

"You can't touch it without a warrant, I've got my rights"

Entitled piece of shi-..

"Yes we can and no you don't" you tucked your hands into your pockets and shrugged

"You're on parole that's all the warrant we need" Spencer spoke. You looked over at him and he looked down at you smiling, the both of you turned back to Brodie and shrugged. Clearly he was intimidated by this action and got up from the bench he was sitting in

"The hell with you people" he scoffed and tried to walk away

"We're not done yet" you blocked him

His hand traveled to your shoulder, pushing you back slightly. Before you could react Spencer had grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back and then slamming him onto the table. "Don't touch her" you heard him whisper

You ran circles in your mind trying to ignore what he just said. You cleared your throat and took out your cuffs. As you hand cuffed you looked over at Spencer "Thanks"

He gave you a small nod and you lifted the man up, taking him from Spencer's grasp. "Now we are done here" you pushed him forward to walk

Once you had brought him into the station you let Emily and Rossi interrogate him. As you were walking back with Spencer towards the conference room you nudged his arm and smiled "I never pegged you for the slam people on tables kind of guy"

"Eh don't look too much into what I did" he looked down at you as you walked

"You could barley interview suspects without flinching and now look at you"

He smirked and sighed "Guess time changes people"

"It's not always bad" you smiled "Thanks for the help" you said walking ahead of him

You kept reading too much into the words he said. Don't touch her. It sounded passionate and possessive. You shook it off and continued working on the case, Spencer was just doing his job. There was no need for the extra feelings of yours


"Guys be careful, the unsub may have a weapon on hand" you heard Emily in your ear

Everyone had split into teams and you were with Spencer. The unsub was hiding in this abandoned building. You and Spencer had decided to split up for a second to clear the floor. It was quite dumb considering what happened the last time both of you split up.

"Come out we have you surrounded" you spoke into the hallways

You rounded a corner and looked into an office, it was dark and it was hard to navigate. A sudden pain on your torso shattered through you. Something had cut you. You screamed. "Son of a-"

You were cut off when he slammed you into a wall. His hands were on your shoulders and you kicked him back. He was wearing protective gear so it was hard to get a shot or even simply fight back. You suddenly felt yourself being pushed into another wall, your head bouncing off the wall. You grew angrier and didn't want to lose. Not again

Pushing him back into an office he fell over the desk and as you ran over he reached up and slashed your thigh. A scream fell from your lips. He quickly got up and you felt your body slam against a bookshelf. "Fuck" you mumbled. He was about to push you back again until you realized Spencer tackled him to the ground. But then Spencer was knocked back down when he got punched in the face by the unsub.

You grabbed a piece of the broken shelf and smacked it against his head, knocking him to the ground. Spencer had gotten up and used his foot to keep him down. Another image you would have never imagined, and you weren't going to lie. It was extremely attractive.

"You impress me more and more everyday" you fell back against the wall and to the floor, out of breath, a pain in your leg had returned

"You okay?" he spoke as he reached down to cuff the unsub

"Peachy" you huffed


You were sitting on a gurney in an ambulance getting your leg checked out and side checked out. You groaned at the pain when they were cleaning the wounds. You were going to be fine he didn't cut too deep.

"Would you like something for the pain" the emt asked

"Uh" you looked over at the cabinets full of drugs

"No she wouldn't" you glanced over at Spencer coming into view from the outside of the ambulance, he hopped in

"What he said" you smiled at him "Thank you"

He took a seat beside you. "Make sure you get a head CT, he hit you pretty hard"

"I'll be fine, worry about yourself" you pointed at his face "He almost ruined your best asset" you immediately regretted the words that came out of your mouth, it was a simple compliment but it came out too flirty, considering your past with him

"Uh" he smiled awkwardly "It's just a couple of bruises, you got the worst of it"

"I'll live" you began to twiddle with your thumbs

"I'm sorry for splitting up again, I realized that was stupid"

You glanced over and noticed the regret "Don't worry about it" you reached over to grab his hand, he latched on "I'm okay"

He smiled and nodded, squeezing. There they were again. Those stupid butterflies and feelings you couldn't push away. You needed to go pretend John was a piece of paper again or drink. But then again alcohol was a slippery slope you kept under control. You couldn't really talk about how you felt to anyone. He has a girlfriend that he loves and is probably happy with. Backing off was the best option, so you let go of his grip and laid your hands flat against the gurney

You focused on the pain on your thigh and torso, figuring out how to get up and limp your way out of here. You wanted to go but of course Spencer would force a CT and a thorough check up. He did it for the whole team when anyone was hurt. It was sweet, as always

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