015 😈🔫

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I woke up to a empty bed, which was nothing new jaden normally goes and works out in the morning with the guys. I stretched before getting up and getting ready for the day.

I normally wash my face and brush my teeth then go make breakfast and then come back and get ready ready.

After brushing my teeth I head towards Bella's room, I open the door quietly and she cuddling with her stuffed animal and snuggled in her blanket. I take a few seconds to take in how adorable she looks, I kiss her forehead and walk out closing her door half way so she can get out when she wakes up.

I make my way to the kitchen and see Nessa sitting on the counter eating a bowl of fruits and on her phone.

"Hey ness" she looks up and smiles

"Hey babes" she hopes off the counter  placing her phone where she was previously sitting.

"So josh and the boys went to the gym as always, they said that we should get our things together and then when they get here we leave and get on the plane" i nod, She placed her bowl in the sink

"So last night I saw you and josh getting cozy again" I wiggle my eyebrows she smiles and blushes

"Yea we talked before going to the restaurant and he said he really loves me and wants me to be in his future. I told him I wanted him to be in my future too so we decided that we would take things slow" I hug her

"Yay! I'm so happy for you Ness" she smiles

I begin making myself a bowl of fruits. Nessa sat at the dinning table with me as I ate my breakfast. Addison went out to get some things, Abby I think she's still asleep but I'm not sure.

Me and Nessa are talking when I start to here whines coming into the kitchen, we both give are attention to whatever is making that sound.

It's a little Bella holding her blanky in one hand with her pacifier in her mouth, her eyes are red and her cheeks have tear stains.

She waddles over to me and pouts her little pink lips, I Aww and pick her up and place her on my lap and hug her she snuggles into me.

"Morning baby do you want some breakfast?" I kiss her forehead and she looks up at me and nods

"Ok what do you want?" I run my fingers through shoulder length dirty blonde hair

"Stallerrys" she said in her adorable little baby voice

I get up and place her on the counter as I get out strawberry's and start cutting them up for her to eat.

I put them in a pink plastic kids bowl with a matching spoon, I pick her up and set her on the chair with her strawberry's in front of her.

Me, Bella, Nessa, and Addison are sitting in the living room watching a movie called 'Girls Trip' with Bella asleep on my chest

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Me, Bella, Nessa, and Addison are sitting in the living room watching a movie called 'Girls Trip' with Bella asleep on my chest.

The door handle starts to move then 3 sweaty guys come bursting through the door. Josh looked annoyed, Bryce looked nervous/worried, and Jaden well his looked Pissed.

Jaden slammed the front door causing everyone to jump, Bella shifted in my arms before settling down again.

Jaden stormed to the bedroom slamming that door too. I am so confused on why the boys look like that and Jaden looks so pissed. Did they run into someone they don't like? Did something happen? Well duh something happened or he wouldn't be mad.

"What's wrong with him?" Nessa breaks the silence

Josh and Bryce sigh before coming to the couch and sitting next to addison and Nessa. "One of the guys from La called and said Jadens dad is coming to visit when we get back" josh says

"What's wrong with his dad?" I ask worried

"I can't say unless Jaden tells you" I sigh

"I'm gonna go check on him" I place Bella on the couch right next Nessa and walk away towards the bed room

I open the door cautiously, the room has a whole in the wall and a glass on the floor. Jaden is leaning against the wall with his head in his hands.

I go over to him and sit next to him and lean my head on his shoulder. I'm not gonna question him right away because he's obviously mad at the mention of his father and I don't want to make him any more mad than he already is. I'm just gonna be here for him without saying anything.

He lifts his head and looks me in the eyes, his eyes go from a dark dark blue to a light blue. He leans in and kisses my lips softly, he pulls away and grabs my waist and places me between his legs wrapping his arms around my waist then laying his head on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry" his voice comes out soft and light

"For what?" I reply with the same voice tone

"Breaking things, scaring you, not giving you any context what's so ever" I kiss his cheek

"You just got here" I laugh lightly, he smiles

All of a sudden the door opens and walking in is a very upset Bella, she's crying her little heart out.

"What's wrong baby?" I open my arms for her to come into them, she waddles over to us and I take her into my arms

I hear her sniffle as I rub her back and kiss her head. "Why are you crying princess?" Jaden says taking her into his arms

She looks at Jaden with teary eyes he puts out his bottom lip and kisses her cheek "don't cry cupcake" he rubs her back she lays her head on his shoulder

"She's been crying all day" I state looking at the adorable little girl in jadens arms

He looks at me with worry in his eyes "when we get back I'll get the doctor to come look at her" I nod

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