-Drag Me Away From You-

Start from the beginning

"It feels like years since I've seen you yknow. We went from everyday life as coven and professors to well I mean look at me." She glanced over my appeal.

"You look like crap y/n." I rolled my eyes. "How is Sam and ... dean right?"

"Sam is good..., " I blush. "Yknow for a hunter and Dean is growing on me." She placed a big purple bag on the table.

"Here's everything I could gather from your office. Bones, blood, herbs.." she went through one by one of my sorted witchcraft supplies. I hugged the bag.

"Oh, how I've missed all my stuff."

"So I'm guessing you haven't been practicing while you've been with the boys?" She tilted her head at me. I nodded my head no and place my head in my hands.

"I'm scared it will turn them away from me. I've just now gotten to where dean sees me as a hunter and not just a witch."

"But y/n, you're both, both are in your blood." She smiled and held my hand. "If you don't practice, you know what happens. I mean look at how weak you look y/n."

"I know." Holding her hand, I shook it and promised her I would keep myself healthy. She gave me no other choice.

We exchanged goodbyes just like before but it never got easier. I started my jeep and headed back to my crappy motel.

-Midnight, Colorado-

After taking a shower I decided to perform a small seance. This would give me a small boost to my powers, I certainly needed it. My body just felt weak like I was running on half a tank. I changed from my towel into a sleek black lacey nightgown, it was nice for Maria to bring me some of my clothes. I felt more like myself again.

Laying out my pentagram mat, candles, and more, I was ready to start our covens way of gaining power. My family came from a long line of Salem witches, we use this method to gain knowledge and power from our ancestors. I laid out a cat's skull and wishbones. Everything was ready, just needed something to cut my hand for blood.

Suddenly there was a knock at my door. Not expecting anyone, I walked over to the door and cocked my pistol behind it just in case.

"Sam?!" I said in shock, the door still open.

"Hey can I come in?" he said. He looked so nervous, sweat beading from his forehead. What is he doing here? I motioned for him to come in.

"Sam, what are you doing here?" I asked putting my hands on my hips. Sams eyes glazed over my body and I blushed as I realized how unclothed I was. I walked over and put on a red flannel from earlier, trying to cover myself up as much as possible. His cheeks went red.

"I'm so sorry y/n I just got so worried and dean tried to stop me but I had a gut feeling that I just needed to talk to you, " he turned to see the seance laid out on my table. "You're holding a seance?"

"Yeah it's how I recharge myself and to access my ancestors' knowledge, " he looked at me with confusion. "I know this freaks you and dean out that's why... That's why I left. I didn't want Dean to think less of me."

Sam walked up and placed my face in his hands. "Y/n never be ashamed of who you are around me. People change in 10 years if anyone knows that it's us. Your a witch that's in your blood, remember that night on the couch?" I nodded my head. "I told you about my demon blood. Well that is a part of who I am, for years I called myself a freak or a monster because of it but now I just realize that's a permanent part of who I am." I processed his words and it gave me something I haven't had in a long time. Hope.

"Thank you, Sam, for understanding that I'm still me. I was so scared that after college seeing me so different, you wouldn't want to be around me."

Saving people Hunting things (Sam Winchester x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now