Ruth followed me to Bill’s house, backing into the driveway to make it easier to unload her van. We each took a box and went to the door. I still had keys to Bill’s house, but I felt a little weird just letting myself in, so I put the box down and knocked instead. He came to the door wearing his “kiss the cook” apron, which made me happy because he always wears that when he grills his famous jalapeno burgers. 

     “Viv, this is your home, always. You never have to knock. Go inside and finish the potato salad I started while I get your stuff out of the van. You should have told me you were going to get your things, I would have done all the lifting. You shouldn’t be doing that.” he said.

     “I didn’t let her pick up anything heavy, just the lighter things.” Ruth said from behind me.

     “Ah, good. But still. You go help her too, it won’t take me long to unload everything. Then I’ll teach you how to make my famous jalapeno burgers. You guys are hungry, right?” Bill asked both of us.

     We nodded, and I gave Ruth a quick tour of the common areas of Bill’s house before ending up in the kitchen. We finished the salad, and Bill came in and showed Ruth how to make his burgers. After what seemed like forever, the food was done and I started devouring it. 

     After dinner Ruth said good-bye and Bill and I ended up in the front room. I was emotionally and physically exhausted but I had a feeling that Bill wanted to talk. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, he finally spoke.

     “I called Trav today. He didn’t say much, just that the wedding was off and he didn’t want to talk about it. He did tell me to encourage you to have an abortion. But that’s my grand baby, I can’t do that.” He said. "If that's your choice I'll support you, but if you want to keep it, I'll support you however you need me to."

    “Yeah, he told me there was nothing to talk about. He doesn’t want anything to do with me, and I don’t want it to cause distance between you two.” I said.

    “He’s the one causing distance between us. He’s been distancing himself for a while now. I wish I could tell you what’s going on with him, but he hasn't told me. He’s changed. You’re welcome to stay as long as you want, I know you want your independence, but I want you to know I don’t mind. Tomorrow I’ll let my friends that were invited to the wedding know that plans have changed. Do you want me to call your friends as well, or are you going to handle that?”

    We had planned a small wedding choosing to spend more money on a honeymoon, only inviting close friends and family. Trav didn’t have a big family, but we had about a dozen friends we had invited. I hadn’t even thought about the honeymoon. 

    “I’ll call everyone else. And I know I’m welcome, but I really feel like I need to adult on my own. Or mostly on my own. But I’ll be hanging out over here so much you’ll get tired of me.” I joked.

    Bill nodded. “Alright. Will you allow me to buy you some furniture for an early Christmas present then?”

    I had been saving up most of my paychecks since Trav insisted on covering all the bills himself when I moved in with him. I had a lot of money in my personal checking account and didn’t really need help buying anything, but I could tell Bill felt guilty about how his son was acting.

    “Okay, but just a couch, maybe a matching loveseat.” I said.

    “Oh… I had hoped to be able to buy all your furniture for your new place.” He said.

    “No, I couldn’t let you do that. I can afford to get my own furniture.” I said.

    “And I can afford to buy it for you too.” He argued.

    I thought about it for a bit, Bill wasn’t one to back down once he had his mind set on something. He was a bulldog as a lawyer and in his personal life too. “Fine, how about I let you buy everything for my living room, but I buy everything else.” I said.

    “Does that mean I get to buy the TV?” he asked.

    I  sighed. "I guess. But nothing too fancy, I have to be able to figure out how to use it.” 

    He laughed. Everyone knows I’m electronically challenged. Smartphones, smart TVs, smart appliances… they’re all too smart for me. It also doesn't help that almost anything electronic breaks when I touch it so it's safer to just stay away from it. “It’s a deal. I know that you’re thinking about adoption, but if you decide you want to keep the baby I would love to buy the crib for you.”

        My eyes watered remembering how much Bill loves kids. He’d make an awesome grandpa. “Okay, if I keep it you get to buy the crib.”

    His eyes lit up. “I’ll have to get two, one for your house, and one for my house. There’s a lot of cool things for babies that weren’t around when Trav was little. It’s going to be so much fun going shopping.” 

    “Don’t get your hopes up, I still haven’t decided.” I said, not wanting him to get too excited.

    “I know. But an old guy can dream can’t he? Have you made an appointment with a doctor yet?” He asked.

    I nodded, “Monday, during my lunch. I’m going to see the Dr that Ruth went to. Luckily her office is just up the road a bit from the office.”

“Make sure you ask her about flying.”

“Flying?” I repeated confused.

     “Yeah. Just because you aren’t getting married doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still get to go to Hawaii. You’ve already paid for everything, you should go. Take some time and relax before things get crazy. This might be your only chance for a nice vacation for a while.”

“I’ll think about it.” I said.

     “Okay, but don’t take too long.” he chuckled. “I think I’m going to get in bed, you look like you’re about to fall asleep too. Don’t worry about working tomorrow, you can take the rest of the week off. I know you have a lot to sort through.”

     “Are you sure? I don’t mind working, it keeps me busy.” I said.

     “I’m sure, we’ll survive without you. There’s a lot here that will keep you busy.”

     “Okay. Well, goodnight then.” I said and walked toward my new old room.

“Goodnight.” Bill called after me.

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