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(Hayden's POV)

On the night of Christmas Eve, 2018, on The Island Of Sodor, I was resting at Vicarstown Sheds with Geoffrey, Thomas, Emily, Alfred, Henry, Peckett and Rosie.
I was currently suffering with a bad cough, but even though it had been bothering me for a few weeks, I still continued to work my hardest.

I was looking up at the falling snow. Every time I saw it, it still took my breath away for how beautiful it was.
I was also thinking about my girlfriend, Molly. She was stuck at Knapford for the night, which was on the other side of the Island, so we wouldn't be able to spend the night together. However, I didn't let that small problem get me down.

We were all talking about our plans for the New Year when Sir Topham Hatt drove up in his car. However, I noticed that he looked both worried and annoyed at the same time.
The Stout Gentleman walked over to the Sheds. "Good Evening, Engines." He announced. "Evening, Sir." I replied, "Also, I hope you don't mind me asking this, but what's the problem? You look quite put out?"

STH sighed. "We need an Engine to take the final Train from here to Knapford." He explained. "Originally, Edward would have done it, but he's been held up on the Brendam Branchline. The Passengers are desperate to get home before morning, and the Buses aren't available for another 2 days."

I thought for a moment, then spoke up. "I'll do it, sir." I replied.
The other engines stared at me, gobsmacked. "But...but what about your illness?" Asked Geoffrey. "I'll have to risk it." I replied firmly, "Besides, it's Christmas Eve. These Passengers need to get home TONIGHT. And I'm the only engine strong enough and fast enough to get them to Knapford in time. And don't worry; these Passengers are more important than my health. I'll get them there...even if it kills me. I've still got plenty of steam left, and I'm not going down without a fight."

STH smiled proudly. "That's the spirit, Hayden." He said. "Now, we haven't got much time. I need you to get over to the Station immediately. Your Coaches will be at the Platform waiting for you."

I nodded. "Thank you Sir." I replied, "I'll get moving."
A minute later, my Driver (John Clarke) and Fireman (Harry Leroy) arrived, and got me fired up. As I headed off to the station, the other Engines whistled in salute, which I returned with a blast of my own whistle.

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