"Thirsty bitch." Shayne's words were a whisper but Damien fought back a laugh as he heard them.

"I'm not. We are friends and we get along. Nothing else to it." Damien's voice held a warning but Shayne puckered his lips and made a mocking sound.

"Oh, sure. And when we hang up, I smile like a thirsty bitch too. I also talk with a high pitch voice around you and when we talk I sway in my seat." Shayne's reply brought blood through Damien's cheeks as he tried to focus on the work that sat in front of him.

"If I didn't know any better I would think that you secretly want me. Why do you keep noticing every little thing about me?" Damien turned to his best friend and tilted his head up with faux suspicion.

"Oh no, you figured me out." Shayne narrowed his eyes slightly as he puckered his lips out as far as they would go, slowly moving closer to Damien, who was repeating the advances, they were almost touching as fought down their laughs.

"A-a-and kiss." A faint voice could be heard from the side of the pair, making them jolt back as they laughed, making their new visitor smile as well.

"Delilah. Good to see you." Shayne had finally calmed enough to respond as she smiled on. A thick shirt was worn that was one-half white while the other half was black. A black belt tied around Delilah and she wore fishnet tights. A beanie was pulled onto her head and very little makeup was worn.

"What a warm, and gay, welcome. Normally you have to pay to see something like that." Dark eyebrows jolted up before she winked at Shayne. Finally, turning to Damien and catching his eye. A black top was all that covered Damien's upper half and Delilah barely glanced for long as she read the words that had been written. Damien had missed the odd glance as he ran his eyes up her legs, watching the skin that the fishnets left exposed. His line of sight wasn't missed by Delilah or Shayne. Feeling exposed and self-conscious, Delilah stepped back, placing one leg behind the other as she tried to hide herself a little more.

Silence had passed between the pair, Shayne and Delilah had held out for Damien to speak but he remained quiet, leaving Delilah to awkwardly rub her cheek and check her phone, reading the time. "So, Damien, do you want to go and talk? I am expecting a call is all." Without missing a beat, Damien stood and signed out of his computer, knocking Shayne's shoulder as he left.

As soon as the door closed, Delilah pulled her backpack off and took out the book and pencil as well as her laptop as she searched for the cable that would charge her laptop. As soon as it was plugged on, Damien gulped down, waiting to hear Delilah speak. The moment Delilah's eyes met Damien's, he fluttered his eyelids as she silently waited for him to say something. Anything at all.

"Damien, normally in meetings people have to talk. And, seeing as they are your ideas, I think that you will need to do most of the talking." Words escaped Damien as he patted his pockets and then took a deep breath in, smiling and exhaling a laugh.

"I forgot my phone, it has my notes on." Damien scrambled up and headed out to his desk where Shayne was sat, holding the forgotten phone.

"Damien, you are not thinking with the right head. I don't think you've ever been so hopeless. She has only been working here for eight months and you get along but if you keep this up, she'll never realise how you feel. Maybe Ify will get there first. I know that he is her type." Damien jolted back and the right half of his face lifted in disbelief. "Oh, I have seen a picture of one of her exes. Ify is definitely her type. Personalities are pretty similar as well. From what she said. It was only a brief conversation though so I could be wrong." Damien shook his head, giving an empty thanks for giving him his phone.

"What did you mean by thinking with the right head?" Shayne puckered his lips and smiled.

"You're not thinking with the one on your neck. And perhaps you should start thinking with your brain because Delilah likes a smart man. Such as yourself. You speak Japanese, she does. You both love technology. Come on man." Usually, the advice was the other way round as Shayne would have to check before shooting his shot but the tables had turned and Damien stood, unsure of what to do.

"How do you know so much about her? And her exes? What else don't I know? I swear, if you start telling me about how she likes it when men take control I am going to have to call your relationship into question." Damien tried to joke but Shayne shrugged at him.

"Damien, you could know all of this too if you just listened. And spoke to her. Like today, she spoke to us and you spent the entire time watching her legs. She is also very self-conscious, and you know that, you told me that she was self-conscious. Delilah and I have a close relationship because I reach out when I need to and respond when she asks. Like everyone else in this office. I don't pussy out like you do. She's a busy woman who works with hundreds of people so you have to catch her attention and then the pair of you can get on like she and I do. And maybe the pair of you could be more." Damien glanced back into the room and watched as her eyes stuck to her laptop, it was obvious that her emails were up and her fingers were wiggling around her keyboard.

The moment the door closed behind Damien, Deliliah switched her screen over to a program and waited for him to start speaking. "Sorry about earlier, I didn't get much sleep last night. Now, my ideas. What if we did an immersive experience where people could sit in the chair as we do a Try Not to Laugh video?"

Damien Haas x LemonWhere stories live. Discover now