Diane frowned. "My lord," she said, "You may chastise me for being inexperienced, but I wouldn't have come here if I couldn't at least defend myself. I am willing to face anyone here in hand-to-hand combat at this very moment to prove it."

Now Arthur did look impressed. "Alright, if the lady insists," he agreed. He turned to his men. "Which of you want to test her?"

"I'll do it," Gwaine volunteered, stepping forward. He began to remove some of his armor. Diane, in turn, removed her hood, carefully folded it, and put it aside.

"Is this a good idea?" Merlin asked Arthur in a whisper.

"Give the lady what she wants," Arthur whispered back. "Besides, Gwaine won't hurt her much."

"I mean that she's a stranger. Have you ever heard of her before this?"

"Of her father. He lives on the outskirts of Camelot and keeps to himself."

Gwaine was down to his mail shirt and bowed to Diane. "Sir Gwaine."

The girl raised her fists into a guard position. "Ready?"

Gwaine smirked. "I was ready the instant you-"

Diane threw a jab that hit Gwaine smack in the forehead. It didn't hurt much, but it was quick enough to shut him up and snag the attention of the onlookers.

"You're fast," Gwaine remarked.

Diane threw another two punches at his head that he dodged. That was followed by a kick to the inside of his knee that he never saw coming. He fell, drawing roaring laughter and shouts of approval from the other knights.

Diane turned to Arthur. "Well?" she asked.

Gwaine grabbed Diane's ankle and yanked her down. She fell backwards, but she wasn't done yet. Gwaine still hadn't gotten up, so she twisted about to throw her legs around his neck, and pulled back on his arm.

Merlin winced, knowing that Gwaine was in serious danger of having his arm broken or being strangled. Gwaine struggled for a bit, making Diane tighten her legs and pull back harder on the arm. He protested, "Ow!", but swore to himself that he would not surrender to this newcomer.

"Getting a bit close for our first meeting, eh?" he managed to croak. He was turning red.

"That's enough," Arthur ordered. Diane immediately let go and jumped to her feet.

Arthur regarded her critically for a few seconds. "Get yourself a sword," he finally said. "Your training begins tomorrow."

Diane's eyes shone, even though her face remained neutral. "Thank you, sire," she said and bowed.

"Don't get your hopes up," Arthur said dryly. "Your final test will be to beat me."

"Yes. Thank you, sire," Diane repeated and bowed again. Then she picked up her hood from the ground.

"Show her to the guest chambers," Arthur ordered Merlin.

"This way," Merlin said, and led Diane away.

Gwaine was rubbing his throat. "What's the matter, Gwaine?" Percival asked. "Cat got your tongue?"

"The girl has done us a service," Elyan laughed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"This will be your room," Merlin announced. "I hope it is to your liking, my lady."

Diane nodded and set her bag down on the bed.

"My name is Merlin; Arthur's-"

"You're Merlin?" Diane interrupted.

"...Yes?" he answered slowly.

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