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Author POV

Seokjin and Layla talked for another hour or so before they both dozed off wrapped in eachothers arms. Seokjin understood Laylas reservations about working with him again and he was honest with her too about how he was nervous for the other members. Even though they had some sort of closure from the past, it was still on the others members minds; specifically Hoseok and Namjoons. Namjoon still harbored guilt and regret and Hoseok was still stuck in the mind set that he could never have Layla in his arms again.

Maybe the new start would put everyone at ease. The only thing gnawing at Seokjin and Layla was how would the other five react. Yoongi didn't know the full details yet, but he wouldn't blink an eye to starting over. He longed to have her back and for everyone to fall back into their old care free and happy selves.

Seokjins phone began to ring, waking him up from his peaceful slumber. He opened his eyes and looked down at Layla, who had her head against his shoulder and arms wrapped around his waist. He smiled as he watched her eyelids flutter and then turned his attention back to his phone. "Hello," he said not bothering to check the caller ID.

"Hello, Jin. Do you have time to talk?" Jin wiggled out of Laylas grasp when he recognized the voice on the other line.

"Just a second," he said, placing a pillow beneath Laylas head and pulling the blanket up to her chin. "Manager-nim, hello. Is everything alright?"

Sejin sighed. "I need to talk to you about something. Listen, I just wanted to let you know that I've hired Layla back until the end of your contracts."

"I know," Jin said as he slipped to the balcony. "She's here at my apartment."

"I see," Sejim said taking in Jins words. "Is she still upset?" He could hear the concern in his mangers voice.

"Not really. I suppose this all came as a shock to her. I really wish you wouldn't have cornered her that way, Sejin-ssi. Or at least told me so I could prepare the guys and ask her."

"I know I'm sorry. I just wanted you all to finally enjoy yourselves again especially since this is the last time you'll all be together. You haven't been happy. None of you have. I just couldnt sit around watching you all lose that spark and when I contacted Laylas boss, I just had to arrange something. I know she probably hates me, but I just wanted to try and fix things."

Seokjin appreciated the sentiment because Sejin was right. They all haven't been themselves at all over the last two years. Army were the first ones to spot it, but time and time again they denied acting like everything was fine;making posts on twitter and making v-lives like they were tired.

"I'm sure she'll move past this. We all will. We just have to be patient with her. This was traumatic for her way worse than it effected us."

Sejin agreed. "I understand. I have her luggage. Should I send it to your place? We can all have a meeting today or tomorrow about everything."

"That's fine. I'll ask Layla first," Seokjin said while looking up at the early morning sun peeking through the clouds. "I probably should talk to the guys first before we all talk business."

Sejin agreed and had a driver set to bring Laylas things by the time the conversation had ended. Jin walked in, closing the door behind him then carefully making his way back into the living room. When he rounded the corner he met Laylas tired form, stretching her limbs.

"Morning sleeping beauty," Jin laughed when he finally reached her. Her brown hair was in a complete disarray; strands knotted and curls fuzzy from cuddling into Jins sides.

"Funny," she grunted then yawned. "I almost believed you until you did that famous laugh of yours."

Jin laughed again causing Layla to cross her arms and scowl. "How is it that you look so flawless even this early in the morning? It's frustrating and it kind of pisses me off."

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