Double Date - Chapter 17

Start from the beginning

I opened the door frantically. I can't believe my uncle walked in the absolute worst time. I open it and see a familiar boy and girl.

Momota and Harukawa!

"Oh hey guys. What are you doing here?" 

He looks at me sadly and she does too. "Sorry bro.."

"Huh, for what?"

"Our plan didn't work, huh? To get you and Kaede together.." Momota says, looking guilty.

"What are you guys talking about?" I was really confused. 

"Well, I mean, you didn't come to our training yesterday.. And you haven't been responding to my texts.. So I assumed the worst."

Ah crap! I completely forgot to go yesterday, I was too busy hanging out with Kaede! And, I forgot that my phone has been dead. I don't really use it unless an emergency comes forward.

"Come on, let's get out of here. We'll go somewhere to cheer you up." Momota gives me a reassuring smile and a thumbs up. Harukawa sympathetically nods with him. 

But Momota.. I'm okay.

Suddenly, Kaede gets up and stands next to me. "Huh?" she turns her head.

"Huh?" they say at the same time as they turn their head.

We explain the situation to them.

"So yea, Shuichi and I are dating now! Thanks to you guys!" She gives a bright smile and hugs me. I blush, I really am her boyfriend now, huh?

They both looked shocked. Eventually, that shock turned into relief. "Oh, thank god. You really had me worried, Shuichi!" he says. "Congrats to you two!"

"Congrats." Harukawa says with him.

"Thanks guys!" Akamatsu smiles and I smile with her.

"Yea, thanks guys. Honestly, we wouldn't be together if it weren't for you." I add.

"Come on, don't flatter us!" he laughs. "I'm really glad you two are together now, it took you long enough! You hung out like all the time and whenever you two got too close together, you would be blushing messes. It was so obvious you two had a thing for each other." 

"Honestly.." Harukawa says.

"W-Was it really that obvious?!" Akamatsu says in a panicked tone. "Even I didn't think I had a crush on Shuichi until recently.."

I chuckle awkwardly. "Me too.."

"God.. Were you two that oblivious to your own feelings?" Harukawa sighs.

"Well, it's fine Maki Roll! All that matters is that it turned out well." he smiles at her.

"I guess." She said without any tone in her voice. Somehow, I felt she was happy.

"Well, unless you two are busy, do you want to hang out? It's been a while since we've gone somewhere."

Hm.. Well, I mean, I was enjoying my afternoon with Kaede, so I didn't really think now was the best time-

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