Interview with Co Admin 2

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Welcome cutepie who hates her name but also lives up to it, she likes pooh bear and she is as cute as pooh bear

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Welcome cutepie who hates her name but also lives up to it, she likes pooh bear and she is as cute as pooh bear. She's one of the co-admins who work hard for the wellness of our community, she's a very fun person to hang around and today I'm glad to interview her.

Welcome Spam!!!!!  

Let's start this shall we?

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Let's start this shall we?


How does it feel to be part of staff?

Being a part of the staff has a very unique feeling. I cannot put it in words but it's a beautiful journey. I get to help the community in a better way, being a staff member is a lot of responsibility and it is very challenging but I love it with all my heart

That's really amazing! You are very well at this job and I'm glad you're enjoying it

Hehe yes I surely am and when I have such wonderful staff members with me it makes the work more fun

Do you expected yourself to be one of the staff members when you joined here?

Honestly no, I have always been a very self depreciating person so even when the interview for co admin position was going on I didn't think there was any chance I would get selected.

So the results were definitely very surprising!

We are really glad you to have you as a co admin, you manages everything very well and most importantly you're a very fun person to be around with

Thank you di that means a lot

Awww I'm glad you cutie pie. Moving on to the next question,

•What are your happy and sensitive moments as a staff member?

Well whenever we publish a new book or come up with a new idea I feel very happy. I get to explore myself and this is a learning process for me, and my sensitive moments are when a member of our community or someone else thinks that we are being too rude. When someone opposes the staff without any reason then I do feel because they don't realise that we too are humans trying to learn but I try my best to tackle the situation

I do find the same feeling, new books and new ideas are very fun and also that members finding it rude his a bit heartbreaking.

Now let's do a lil smol rapid fire hheheh

•Chocolate or biryani

Chocolate forever

I'm not gonna lie I tend to choose chocolate over biryani too-

Wifiiiiiiiiiiii ur biryani sister doesn't like biryani

(This anchor is famously known as Biryani lover [wifi if u readin this don't kill me I'll buy you chockies])

•One direction or Ranbir kapoor (anchor prepares to run away)

How dare u

I will chop u

Into small pieces

Choose one 👀

Next question

Sure 😂

Comics or novels


Novels 4eva

Always ❤️

Last one, Tom or Jerry

Why do u do this to me

I choose jerry

Our rapid fire is done so to the next question,

•Do you feel that you have contributed your limit to the community?

I don't think so because I know I could have done a lot more but my exams and personal projects take up so much time that I am not always there when the community needs me take yesterday as example. I know I can do a lot more but I don't get the time to help

You are very good, there's always a room for improvement but don't feel guilty.

•Lastly, have you ever felt like leaving the community? If yes than what stopped you?

I have for personal reasons, I wanted to leave everything at a time, delete all social media but then I realised that leaving the community and everything was not a solution. The people here, unknowingly helped me a lot. Everyone here is so nice and loving and it's like a family (I hold the best place in our family tree) and the laughs we share and memories we create always stops me from leaving

I'm happy that you didn't gave up and continue to be a great contributer to Teenfix, I'm glad that you continue to be the strong person you are.

Thank you for letting me take you Interview today! I always admire your personality and how well it's fun to talk or hangout with you, I wish you allll the success and alllll the love with sooo many Chocolates

Thank you for taking my Interview I love you so so so so muchhhh

(I lub u tooo)

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