26; Her Boyfriend

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Wang Yibo immediately shut his eyes, trying to calm his raging desire. He couldn't afford to think about that now. Xiao Zhan was pregnant and the doctor had warned them to stay away from any sexual activity for the time being, till his pregnancy was sable enough. He cursed his luck.

Noticing the other's halt in movement, Xiao Zhan voiced out. "How you okay?"

Wang Yibo reopened his eyes and gave the other person a small visible smile. "Am fine" he replied and took his seat before his own plate of food.

"Does the wound hurt?" Xiao Zhan continued to grilled.

Wang Yibo shook his head. "Am fine. What do you want to do today. You have been indoors for days. I should take you out" he immediately changed the topic.

Deciding that he would let it pass just this once, Xiao Zhan smiled widely and illumined. "Can you take me to ice cream. I wanna eat ice cream" he requested like an over excited kid, his eyes sparkling brightly. Wang Yibo gulped down his saliva.

Since when did he suddenly became seductive without knowing.

He shook his head, immediately dismissing that thought. "I think it's too early for ice cream"

Xiao Zhan pouted sulky. "But I want ice cream" he whined in a cry like voice.

Wang Yibo gaped helplessly. "But..." He started but the murder look he got from Xiao Zhan made him shut his mouth. "Fine, I will take you to ice cream"

Xiao Zhan breath out dramatically. "You make everything so hard"

"Are you always this whiny and demanding or is it because you are pregnant?" Wang Yibo questioned and Xiao Zhan was immediately up on his feet, slamming his palms on the counter, the other person jerked up startled.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Xiao Zhan demanded, his body going against what was in his mind.

"It was just the slip of the tongue. Am not calling you whiny" he immediately defeated himself.

"You better!" Xiao Zhan said taking back his seat as he continued to eat his food.

Wang Yibo sighed in relief. Thanking the heavens this was over quicker than be had expected. He chuckled lightly as he silently eat his food.

A crazy Xiao Zhan was more sexy.


"Have you found what you like yet?" Wang Yibo questioned calmly and patiently, staring at the other person on the opposite side of the table, eyes glued on the menu, his lower lip caged between his teeth, Wang Yibo tried not to notice his slight seductive movements but failed miserably as his attention was now glued on Xiao Zhan's lips, imagining himself being the one to suck on that lip.

As if being ice blocked, he shivered, casting his gaze away from those alluring lips.

"Not yet" Xiao Zhan answered, completely unwared of the inner battle he gave the other person. Only if he knew the effect he had no him, he won't be acting the way he did. "They are all good, here order for me. I can't choose" he told the other person, handing over the menu to him.

Nodding, Wang Yibo took the menu and successfully adverted his intensed gaze away.

Xiao Zhan watched Wang Yibo shamelessly with a wide smile on his face. Never in his life had he thought he would one day bare romantic feelings for him. He chuckled inwardly casting his gaze away. Wang Yibo was such a devil, he had successfully wrapped Xiao Zhan around his little finger.

"Waiter!" Wang Yibo called and almost immediately, a lady appeared from no where, she tripped and fell on his laps and just as if time had stop, they got caught in each other's eyes.

"Wang Yibo" the lady softly called as she slowly bought her hand up to his face, cupping sweetly on his left cheek.

Xiao Zhan who was watching the scene could only open his mouth widely and stared at the two, unbelieving. It was obvious her fall was fake, he could clear detect an act when he saw one but what shocked him more was the fact that she knew his name and Wang Yibo was not making an movements on pushing her off his thighs. They looked like lovers who just found each other after so many years. Slowly, his eyes darkened at that thought and his knuckles fisted on their own. Unable to take their intensed staring any longer, Xiao Zhan cleared his throat loudly and as if slapped to reality, Wang Yibo immediately pushed her off his labs.

"Wang Yibo" she called again in a fragile, weak and shaky tone, gazing down at the other person, unwared of Xiao Zhan's present. She bend down and pressed her lips on his.

Xiao Zhan gasped, slamming his fist on the table loudly and angrily, tearing them apart. It was that time the lady acknowledged Xiao Zhan's presence. "What the fuck are you are doing?" He gritted his teeth, threw daggers up at the lady, Wang Yibo parted his lips to explain but Xiao Zhan held up his palm, silencing him. He slowly stood on his feet, facing the lady. "I ask again, what the fuck do you think you are doing. You can't go around kissing people like that!"

The lady scoffed, biting her lower lip before answering. "I wasn't just kissing anyone, Wang Yibo is my boyfriend"


Another witch resurfaced from no where.

Tell me what you think...!

What roles would she be playing in their lives.

Trust me, it isn't good.

2:Fire & Ice || Yizhan Ff || Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt