Chapter 19

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Luke and Meredith were glad to accompany Hannah to the hospital. They were touched

by Clare's story. Clare, looking slightly better, was overjoyed to see Hannah. She was still

under sedation though. It was a relief, Clare didn't address her as Mrs Chandler again. In fact,

the girl did not address her at all during that visit.

On the way back home, Meredith shared about the adopted sister in her family and the

similarity to Clare's situation. As she spoke, a thought occurred to Hannah.

"Do you think someone in our church could adopt Clare?' she excitedly interrupted

Meredith and apologised immediately.

"I don't see why not but how would we get the word out?" Meredith asked also excited.

"Why not go via the charity department. They are always claiming they want to do more,"

Luke stated.

Hannah rolled her eyes at Luke's un-fetching description of the department. But he did

give her an idea. "That is just where we need to start," she said agreeably. "I will get in

contact with them." After I run it by Jonathan, she told herself.

When she got home, Emily was waiting for her. Hannah had forgotten about the visit to

Emily's sister but Emily was not at all aware of that fact much to Hannah's relief. Thankfully

she was back in time from the hospital to leave again for the visit with Emily's sister.

Abigail was similar in looks to Emily. They were both thin, same height, greying, short

hair and lively, light blue eyes. She was also very kind. A feat applauded by Hannah who was

privy to the information that Abigail's husband had left her with three young children. Broken

though Abigail had been, she had coped well and brought up her children in the Lord. Her

children were currently doing very well in different parts of the world. Today, she chatted

with Hannah as if she'd known her all her life.

Overwhelmed, Hannah just nodded or answered with short sentences. "How do you

converse with my nephew if you are too afraid to speak with an old woman? He is much more

intimidating," Abigail laughed.

Hannah looked at her in awe. "You agree that he is?" Hannah asked delighted that

someone was on her side.

"I kept telling his mother that but she didn't want to believe me. He could get anyone to

do anything he wanted," Abigail recollected. "Not that he took advantage. Especially of the

older folks."

"Now you've just fuelled the fire," Emily said with mock despair. "Hannah used to avoid

him like the plague because she felt that he was."

"Ah, just the woman he needs," Abigail said wisely.

Hannah looked at her nonplussed. How could she be the woman he needed if she was

intimidated by him?

"At least you see him as he is and not as you want him to be," Abigail filled her in. "Too

many woman want a husband to be as they fantasize they should be and when they don't live

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