Chapter 2

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The next morning, Hannah made sure she was at the school a whole hour before the start


"Welcome, Miss Hannah!" Errol, the security guard at the gate, sporting his name badge

proudly, greeted her enthusiastically. "They told me you were starting at our school today. I'm

sure your staff access will be sorted out by the end of today." He smiled encouragingly.

"Thank you Errol! I'm sure it will be." She smiled warmly at him before proceeding to the

school office.

Madeline was already there, cheerful as usual. "Good morning, Hannah!" she greeted

brightly. "You are nice and early."

"Good morning, Mrs Camp! I didn't want to miss the bus," she gave a small laugh.

"Madeline please! It is a good thing you are early. You can complete your paperwork

before the day begins and before we forget." Hannah was agreeable.

Madeline clipped some papers onto a clipboard and handed it to her before bustling off to

do other things while the forms were being filled in. As soon as Hannah completed the

documents, she handed it back to Madeline who placed the papers into a folder marked

'confidential'. After that formality was taken care of, Madeline took Hannah on a quick tour of

the school ending at the teachers' lounge. Hannah was impressed with the beautiful school

building and everything she saw.

"Help yourself to some coffee," Madeline offered.

"Thank you but maybe a bit later," Hannah said nervously.

"Any time! There will always be a supply available," Madeline said amicably.

Just then Sarah walked in. "Oh, good morning, Hannah! You're early!" she said pleased.

"Good morning, Madeline!" she greeted the secretary just as kindly.

"Good morning, Mrs Hart!" Hannah greeted back timidly with a shy smile.

"Good morning, Sarah!" Madeline greeted her boss robustly.

"Is Emily here already?" Sarah called as she entered her office and deposited her bag and

jacket in the cupboard.

"Not yet! But I'm sure she'll be here any minute." Madeline answered with confidence.

"Shall I take Hannah to her classroom in the meantime?"

Sarah thought for a bit before answering, "Probably a good idea. I'm sure Emily is on her

way." Her tone held no worry, so Hannah relaxed.

Emily would not renege on her duty especially if Jonathan Chandler gave the orders

would she? Of course not! Hannah reprimanded herself. Emily was not the type of person to

shirk her duties. She had come across as very conscientious.

The classroom for the grade R was superb sporting every resource available to teach with.

It was a conducive environment for learning. Hannah didn't feel lost when Madeline left her

alone in it. Instead, she studied all the material and resources in the room, to keep occupied

whilst awaiting Emily's appearance. It was still ten minutes before start bell.

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