Chapter 13

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What had just happened? He had been so gentle in his approach, even if it was very

unromantic but he had been thrown by her question. It hadn't been his plan on revealing his

feelings in this manner. Actually, prior to now, he had no idea how he was going to do that.

Maybe this was how God created an opportunity?

A scouring of the grounds revealed that she wasn't there. He would try and catch her at

class tomorrow, early in the morning, or between breaks. Try, he must. Success, however,

was not his and neither was it over the next week. He just could not get hold of her. She was

being very elusive.

She must be looking out for him, he decided, because every time he walked into her

classroom, she was not in it. But she was at school, he knew from Madeline. By the end of the

week, he was so desperate that he sought Emily's help.

Explaining what had happened and ignoring the excitement at his proposal to Hannah, he

asked if Emily had seen or heard from Hannah.

"Sorry, son," Emily said soothingly massaging his shoulders. "She never mentioned your

talk but that will explain why she was not very keen on spending time with us. She isn't here

right now and I doubt she would give you ear even if she was. Let me talk to her, okay?"

Feeling defeated, Jonathan nodded. What else could he do? He only hoped that he had not

sent her running forever.

Hopeful, Emily waited for Hannah to come back and although it was already nine thirty at

night, she didn't give Hannah a chance to hide. As soon as Hannah unlocked her door, Emily

opened the kitchen door and called out, "Hi, Hannah!"

"Mrs Garrick! You startled me," Hannah quivered.

"Sorry, dear! I didn't want to miss you," Emily said frankly.

The hair on Hannah's neck prickled. "Why is that, Mrs Garrick?" she asked innocently.

Emily gently shoved her into the cottage and closed the door. "Jonathan tells me you are

avoiding him," Emily, to the point, stated emphatically.

Shamefully, Hannah hung her head. Denying it to Emily, would be useless, but she

couldn't divulge her reason to Emily either.

"Now, I don't need to know why you are avoiding him as it does not concern me but I do

firmly believe that you owe him an explanation," Emily said sternly but not unkindly. "No

matter what it is, it can be said. We are children of God and we forgive each other, no matter

what the outcome is. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you hold Jonathan in high esteem.

And the same for him toward you. Trust me, he does not go around giving people he comes

into contact with that high a rating, they have to be special to him." Emily's eyes held


Hannah knew that Emily spoke wisely and was instantly ashamed for treating Jonathan

that way. She owed him an explanation and an apology. What gripped her though was Emily's

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