Chapter 10

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Sunday service was just as invigorating as always for Hannah. This Sunday, though, one

of the other pastors did the preaching. Good though the sermon was, Hannah missed

Jonathan's ministry. For her, he was always spot on with the message. A mesmerising voice

also kept her rooted to his every word.

Sunday afternoon was a restful one for Hannah. She took advantage before the school

week started and with it, the rush to polish everything for the staging of the production in

three weeks. She couldn't believe that there were only three weeks left. Taking a deep breath,

she kept telling herself not to panic.

The three weeks passed very quickly. In those weeks, she found she and Jonathan were

simultaneous dinner guests at the Garricks'. She was beginning to wonder if the couple were

not playing at matchmaking. She dismissed the idea. They wouldn't do that especially since

she arrived on the scene only a short while ago – too soon for any kind of character


That idea she was glad she had dismissed when during the week she met Isabella. A tall

and beautiful woman who was also very friendly. Quite by accident she met the beauty; she

was sure she was not meant to.

Having dismissed the group after a strenuous practise, Hannah was taking stock of what

she needed to step up in the production. Luke had taken off for the evening, having helped her

pack up already. He had been very sweet to offer to take everything back to the school. Which

she gladly accepted.

It was already eight o'clock when Jonathan walked into the hall with Isabella, her arm

linked in his, looking comfortable. If Isabella was not laughing when they walked in, Hannah

would not have even noticed them. But the tinkling sound of her laughter, made Hannah lift

her head in their direction.

At first, she felt a stab – of jealousy probably – which she refused to dissect. They

stopped short when they spotted her.

"Hannah," Jonathan said surprised. "Why are you still here?"

He didn't sound upset to see her but Hannah wondered if perhaps he was. He had been

quite close to the woman next to him who was almost his height and she wasn't wearing very

high heels. And she was gorgeous, Hannah thought, without envy. Her head was covered in

thick, blonde curls which framed her oval face. Her laugh enhanced the high cheekbones and

perfectly set emerald green, almond-shaped eyes and shapely eyebrows. Her full lips were

painted in a dark lipstick that wasn't severe.

"Just getting some paperwork done," Hannah shrugged.

"Isabella, this is Hannah, our pre-school teacher and co-ordinator of this year's

production," Jonathan introduced.

Hannah thought he introduced her rather proudly but she couldn't be sure as Isabella came

forward and stretched out her hand, taking Hannah's in a warm grasp. Hannah couldn't help

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