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Veronica POV:

"Hey Veronica" it was jughead I lightly hit his arm. "You scared me I thought you were Archie". "Oh yeah sorry" he said "what are you doing here anyway" I asked.
"I wanted to see you but I knew I couldn't with your dad around can we talk?" "Where" I said.
"My trailer my dads out of town". I nodded
and we walked to his trailer in silence when we got there he unlocked and gestured for me to go in what a gentleman I thought to myself.
"So what do you want to talk about I asked. "Just to see how your doing" he said.
"I'm in pain but managing" I said with a half smile.
"Here for you Ronnie truth is I care a lot"
It was weird for him to say Ronnie .

Jughead POV:

I stepped closer to her she stepped back "truth is jughead i just broke with Archie and you and Betty are kind off broken" she said "me and Betty are broken up" I said  "cards on the table I like you Veronica not just as a friend".
"I like you to jughead Jones but we need to take things slow if we're serious about this" she said
"I am" I replied. We leaned in for a kiss it was short but passionate. She smiled her smile was contagious I smiled to . She put her arms around my shoulders and we kissed again this time it was longer. She pulled away and said "I've got to go but I'll see you soon Jones" she walked out I smiled as she walked out.

Veronica POV :

When I got back to the Pembroke I opened the door slowly to see my parents sat waiting for me. "Where have you been young lady we came expecting you to be here and you weren't." My father says "Relax I was at betty's" I lie .
"Oh really because Betty came by to check on you" my mother says. "Look I'm really tired" I say walking off it wasn't a lie. But my mother grabs my wrist "your not going until you tell us wear you were" "fine I was at Cheryl's I didn't tell you because I knew neither of you like Cheryl that much" " Veronica you don't need to lie to us" my mother says . My dad still looked suspicious "you looked exhausted Veronica go get some sleep" my mother says I walk with a slight smile when I get to my room I I closed the door and let out a big sigh of relief. I couldn't stop thinking about jughead did he really like me back .

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