Shining Beacon

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But first a quick BIO

Name: Jack (Jackdaw) Branwen

Age: 17

Hails from: Patch


With red eyes

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With red eyes

Weapon: Judgement Day, an AR-15 that turns into a scythe

Semblance: Cold Flame, Jack can generate a flame that not only burns but also freezes his opponents

Jack also have the ability to turn into a bird, like his father. He can turn into a Jackdaw

So yeah, that's all for bio. Now, let's get this show going!

*Jack POV*

I board the bullhead which could take me to Beacon. I got enrolled with ease, given dad's and uncle Tai's training. Heh, Yang is still to beat me in hand to hand

Jack: "Wonder if Yang will be here too or did she get into other bullheads..." I relax and sit on one bench, tossing my bags under it and getting my scroll out. I notice one message from dad

Qrow: 'Hey kiddo. Sorry I couldn't send you off. That mission from Oz is taking longer than I thought. Be sure to keep our firecracker in check. Catch you later, Ice Cube'

Jack: "Always on the run, right dad?" I put my scroll back in my pocket and looked around, spotting a black and red haired cat Faunus "Ryuko...? What is she...?" My trail of thought got interrupted when I hear someone shouting my name

???: "Jack!" I turn around to see Yang and... Ruby

'What is pipsqueak doing in Beacon? Isn't she 15?' I made my way to them

Yang: "Jack!" she hugged me "Oh man, it's good to see you!"

Jack: "Yang... *grunt* we saw each other a week ago" she put me down and I look at Ruby "Okay, come here. I know you want to" Ruby hugged me

Ruby: "Hey Jack"

Jack: "Hey Ruby. It's good to see you too. What're you doing here?"

Ruby: "Well... you're looking at the youngest Huntress in training at Beacon!" she proudly pointer her thumb at herself before Yang gets her in a hug

Yang: "I still can't believe our baby sister is going to Beacon with us! Jack, isn't it the best?!"

Ruby: "Please stop..." Yang let Ruby off the hug

Yang: "But I'm so proud of you!"

Jack: "What did she do to get into Beacon early?"

Yang: "Oh! Ruby stopped a Dust robbery week ago all by herself!" I widen my eyes

A Bird and a Cat (Ryuko x Male OC, Kill la Kill x RWBY crossover)Where stories live. Discover now