Kirby narrowly dodged it by turning his whole body to the side, sticking his belly out, away from the foot that threatened to make him spit you out. He knew she was going easy on him, and he couldn't keep this up forever, so that left him only one option: Protect you by fighting back!

As the next kick came flying towards him, he hopped back and quickly spit you out behind him. He didn't shoot you out as a star, instead he gently let you fall out considering how tired and injured you looked. Once that was done, he turned back around and took on his fighting stance, surprising Bayonetta for a second before she resumed her usual confident smirk.

It didn't look like things could get any more complicated, but now it seemed that six people were after you! And fighting each other for your head no less. It would be a death sentence if you just lied down and waited for them to get you, so you started crawling on your hands and knees again, hoping to lose them in the forest.

Just as your hand came into contact with the grass, something grabbed you and tossed you up into the air. You landed upright onto something hard, round and red which sat atop something green and familiar. When you opened your eyes, you realized you were riding on Yoshi's back, sitting perfectly on his saddle.

Just as you settled down, Yoshi started running away, causing you to lurch back and catch yourself from falling by clinging onto his neck. Since you couldn't run away, you let Yoshi take you into the forest. The both of you slowly got lost in the foliage of trees, finding a place to hide to give time for backup to arrive.

After Yoshi and Samus got rid of Captain Falcon and Ganondorf, the both of them made a beeline for the enemy, however Samus was stopped by another incoming smasher.

It was Snake!

Snake jumped out of the bushes and grabbed Samus by her arms, twisting them behind her back while wrapping his other arm around her neck to restrain her.

Yoshi immediately became relieved once he saw Snake from his hiding spot behind the tree.

"Go. Get her out of here. Quickly!" he shouted towards Yoshi who nodded and ran away from the scene.

"Why are you stopping me!? Did they get you to join up with them!?" Samus questioned in frustration, referring to Ganondorf and Captain Falcon. She struggled to get out of Snake's strong hold.

"Stop! You don't know what's going on." Snake tried to explain. It seemed to make her stop, wanting to hear his side of the story. Before he could explain the situation, he saw an item come flying at the both of them. Without thinking, he pushed Samus away and took the effect of the force. What came flying at them was a Bob-omb. The impact sent him flying off in the distance.

Samus watched as she saw Snake fly away, leaving a trail of black smoke and flames. She turned and glared at whoever threw the item only to see a smirking Captain Falcon. He was standing in the exact location where the creature's item fell. The same creature Bayonetta and Samus destroyed a few moments ago.

Becoming infuriated, she stood back up and stomped towards him.

"Why did you do that? He was about to tell me something important—!" she began but was interrupted by a strong punch to the side of her waist. Strong enough to also send her flying into the back of a tree.

"TOO SLOW!" Ganondorf shouted, mimicking the phrase she had shouted to him earlier when she had kicked him.

Bayonetta turned around once she heard the commotion, cradling a defeated Kirby in her arms who was currently seeing stars. She had just placed him onto the soft grass gently when both Ganondorf and Captain Falcon ran past her and in the direction Yoshi ran in with the rare enemy. Growing irritated, she ran towards Samus and pulled her onto her feet before running after the two hoping to get to the rare enemy first.

This has just become a race to see who could find Yoshi first.

Yoshi is a fast dinosaur and he's able to run for a long time but he's not so sure he'll be able to reach the mansion in time while carrying the new arrival who is passed out. He stopped dashing when he noticed the new arrival become limp on his back and saw that she had passed out.

Taking a moment to readjust the new arrival on his back, he continued his running through the forest before realizing he can't safely leave the forest. He's too afraid they'll see him run out of the forest with the new arrival in tow and get the both of them. After all, two of them have long range weapons.

After a while of running, he found a fairly decent sized tree and stopped to gather his thoughts. He took a moment to catch his breath from the sprint he just made before taking a peek around the tree. His eyes glanced left to right, hoping to see one of his teammates and not the hunting smashers. Snake and Kirby should be coming to help him any second now. Any second...


As soon as he heard a branch snap behind him, he shut his eyes and squealed in terror, jumping back and putting his fists up to protect the new arrival and himself.

However, when he opened his eyes, he saw nothing. Was it just his imagination?

Sighing in relief he turned to continue scouting the area, but he felt something was wrong. His back felt lighter than normal.

Turning to look on his back he gasped in dread to see the new arrival was missing!

Yoshi zoomed through the forest, a blanket covering something on his back. He doesn't care in the slightest if he's making too much noise. In fact, he's hoping to gather the other's attention. He's stomping his feet to make his steps loud. He's yelling out, "Yoshi!" every time he jumps over a tree root. He's even running back to the place where he first spotted the new arrival. Anything to put everyone's attention onto him.

He's not sure what took them. A smasher? An enemy? He has to make his presence known so he can save the new arrival in time.

In the meantime, while Yoshi is panicking and the others are regrouping, Villager is making his way through the forest carrying his net over his shoulder. His net however was large and seemed to be filled with something. That something being the new arrival they were sent to rescue. Unconscious of course.

Yoshi and the others had no idea, but Villager was watching everything from the trees. He was actually the first one to find the new arrival but he couldn't get to her since she was in a compromising position. It wasn't until he spotted the new arrival being vacuumed into Kirby when he realized things were going to get messy. The moment everyone noticed the new arrival in the middle of the path, everything turned into chaos.

So, he waited until it was the right time to strike. He knew that the others would go after Yoshi since they saw him carrying the new arrival, so he swiped the new arrival away from him when he wasn't looking.

However, he did break a branch and startle him though, but there was no time to explain, he knew the others were near, so he had to act fast.

It's a little difficult to maneuver through the forest while holding a person though. Just like Kirby, Villager cannot run at full speed when carrying someone.

This side of the forest he was on had lots of enemies, enemies that retreated here when Ganondorf and Captain Falcon deforested half the forest. He had to take his time to avoid confronting enemies since he couldn't take out his weapon while he was carrying someone. Luckily for him, she was asleep and not struggling, making this easy for him.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:


I decided to break this into two chapters, sorry for any confusion when looking back at this

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